Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1230 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1230 Underground Cemetery (31) ([-])
"Brother Zixuanbing, I think the mother elephant king can't stand it! No wonder Mingmo said bad things about Zixuanbing, so she can't stand it! Haha!!" Thinking about it, Leng Ye laughed again.

"Young Master Liu, come on!" Leng Ye held a willow stick in his hand, and Young Master Liu, who was always ready for life, waved his hand, and saw Young Master Liu hurriedly running towards the position of Kun, the willow stick in his hand was raised high, and fell heavily, beating him fiercely On top of the double fronts of the shemale.

From Leng Ye's point of view, even if this powerful "whip" does not cut off the ladyboy in the middle, it is enough to beat the two fleshy eggs in front of the ladyboy to a bloody mess, so that it can no longer seduce others. .

However, after the wicker fell, it neither cut off the monster from the middle, nor beat it to a bloody place, and didn't even leave a blood mark, which disappointed Leng Ye greatly.

He missed several times in front of the guild leader, which drove the proud and arrogant Mr. Liu almost mad. He was so angry that he held the wicker tightly, and hit the shemale again and again, more and more ruthlessly, to vent his anger Depression in my heart.

"Brother Liu, calm down first! Sit down and rest for a while. After I beat the she-beast to death, it won't be too late for you to whip the corpse." Xiaoxin hurriedly stepped forward to stop Mr. Liu's action, and persuaded him.

The proud Mr. Liu couldn't listen to Quan, and said to Xiaoxin: "Brother, I appreciate your kindness, I don't believe that my 'Dragon Whip' can't even kill a human monster!" Crazy whipping of the ladyboy.

"Xiaoxin wants to kill the ladyboy? What method does he use? A matchstick? Where's his matchstick? Could it be..." Thinking of this, Leng Ye once again cast his eyes on the body of the ladyboy Akira Muteng.Taking a closer look, Leng Ye realized that what was pushing the ladyboy up and down at this moment was the matchstick held by the little novice before. It was only because its color was close to the skin color that it was difficult to detect.

"How did the match stick grow on Zi Xuanbing's body? Could it be able to turn a corner? Can it really pierce the feminine barrier of a transvestite?" Several question marks appeared in Leng Ye's mind, and then he found that Xiaoxin was With eyes closed, he muttered words.

"Oops! It's smoking!"

Leng Ye was in deep thought when he suddenly heard a female voice screaming. Hearing the sound, he found it was coming from Gentleness.He looked with gentle eyes, and was surprised to find that black smoke was rising from the shemale who was lying on Zixuanbing's body.What's even more ridiculous is that the black smoke actually came out from the crotch of the ladyboy, and it was strong and sometimes weak with the coming and going of the matchstick.

"Ahem~~Brother Xiaoxin, you and the match really ignited in the shemale's body, brother, I'm convinced! I'll withdraw! I'll withdraw!" Mr. Liu said while covering his mouth, put away the wicker, and quickly stepped back Come.

"Brother Leng, what's that smell! Why is it so bad, cough~" Rourou ran to Leng Ye's side and said, then coughed.

"The smell of corpses!" Leng Ye blurted out.In reality, Leng Ye once went to the crematorium with his classmates and heard this smell with his own ears. At this moment, he saw the smoke coming from the body of the shemale. In fact, even if he didn't see it, he must be able to smell this smell.Leng Ye didn't expect the game to be so intelligent that it could even make this taste so realistic.

(End of this chapter)

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