Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1231 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1231 Underground Cemetery (32) ([-])
"That's not right! The shemale has such a strong smell just because of the smoke coming out of its body. How could the devil, who was burned by the fire dragon released by the fire nightmare, have no smell at all? It shouldn't be! Could it be because of the matchstick? It must be Yes." Leng Yeanan confirmed his qualifications, and also re-examined Xiaoxin's strength.

"Brother Leng, this smell is too bad, please stop it!" Rourou said while pinching his nose with one hand and holding Leng Ye's arm with the other.

"I have no way to make him stop. However, I have two ways to prevent you from smelling it." Leng Ye said.

"Which two, say it quickly! Say it quickly!" Gentle urged.

"First, go back to the city immediately and disappear from here!" Leng Ye said.

"I still want to help you break the Yamato vein! I won't leave!! What about the second one?" Gentle said.

"The second one? I don't think it's suitable for you, so let's not talk about it!" Leng Ye said with a smile.

"Brother Leng, don't underestimate people! There is nothing in the world that suits you but not me, so please tell me quickly, please." Gentle said.

Leng Ye fumbled around in the ring of space, took out a piece of women's clothing, and handed it into gentle hands.

"Brother Leng, why did you give me underwear! Could it be that this is the 'avoiding smell' god clothes? But...but you can't change it here!" Wen Rou said.

"Underwear?" Leng Ye took a closer look, only to find that what Ruan Rou was holding was Shuang'er, and she was very depressed at the moment, thinking: "Shuang'er, a dead girl who dares to put such things indiscriminately, go back and see if I'm not good Clean her up!"

"I'm not asking you to wear it, I'm asking you to use it to cover your mouth and nose." Leng Ye said.

"Brother Leng, the clothes are so dry, even if you cover your nose, it still breathes, it doesn't work!" Gentle said.

"Of course it won't work if it's dry, it's fine if you get it wet." Leng Ye said.

"Oh! But, Brother Leng, I didn't bring any water or wine, what should I do? Have you brought any?" Gentle said.

"I didn't bring it either, besides, it's useless if I bring it, and the drinks don't work well." Leng Ye said.

"Then what's so good? Brother Leng, tell me quickly!" Rourou said urgently.

"You really want to know?"

"I really want to know."

"No regrets?"

"No regrets!"

"Cough~~ That requires a boy to pee!" Leng Ye said.

"Boy pee? What kind of pee is that? Brother Leng, do you have any?" Wen Rou asked in surprise.

"Khan~~ This girl really doesn't know or pretends not to know, then play with her." Leng Ye smiled wryly, and said: "It used to be, but now it doesn't."

"Brother Leng, why is there no more now? Has it been discontinued?" Asked softly and innocently.

"Khan~~ It's not that the production has been discontinued, it's that the additives have been put in and it's been transformed." Leng Ye said.

"Is that Sister Shuang'er's additive?" She asked with a gentle smile.

Crazy in the cold night! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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