Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1239 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1239 Underground Cemetery (40) ([-])
"Brother-in-law, I belong to the three voices. If you still don't agree, then I will go back to the city first. I dare say that no one here can kill a transvestite except me, Anchen." Anchen said and raised his head. The city return scroll in hand.

"Haha~~ What a joke! Do you think that a mere transvestite can hold me against Leng Ye? Since you are so stubborn, I will expel you from the gang now." Leng Ye shouted.

"Brother-in-law... gang leader, gang leader! Don't! Don't! I promise you, I promise you everything! I will sacrifice myself to kill demons for free." An Chen hurriedly grabbed Leng Ye and said.

"Then hurry up!" Leng Ye shouted.

Seeing An Chen staggering towards the ladyboy, Leng Ye was a little proud, he turned his head and found Wen Rou was looking at him, only to see her gloomy face, with tears in her eyes, he also felt a kind of indescribable feeling in his heart. taste.

"Renrou likes me without a doubt, but why is Anchen willing to help Wenrou at all costs? He is not greedy for pocket money, but judging from his expression, he is not just because Wenrou is his own sister! Besides, I am not What did you promise Wenrou, but why did Wenrou's parents set the date of marriage? Is this true or not? Also, what is Wenrou's identity? How come their siblings even have hundreds of millions of pocket money every month?" See Looking at those tender and sad eyes, Leng Ye became more and more confused.

"Help...Help Master, I..."

Leng Ye heard the sound and found that An Chen had returned, he was puzzled and said, "Why are you back again? Do you really want me to drive you out of the shrine?"

"Guard master, I have no regrets in sacrificing my death for the shrine. But...but...but if I die, I will definitely be infected with the real HIV virus. If that happens, I will never be able to...not like that in the game. It’s fine if it’s only in the game, but...but, brother-in-law, if it affects reality, my 40-odd girls will give me a cuckold. So I beg my brother-in-law to understand my difficulties, and beg my brother-in-law to be extra merciful , Hehe! Let others do this! Hehe!" An Chen said pitifully.

"Brother Anchen..."

"Brother-in-law, you can call me Xiaochen or brother-in-law."

"Brother-in-law...fuck, Xiaochen, it's fine if you don't know the dangers of transvestites, but now that you know everything, wouldn't it be selfish to push this kind of thing on others? This is a serious violation of gang rules. The emperor breaks the law and the common people commit the same crime. Although your brother-in-law, I am not the emperor, but I am also the leader of the gang. Since you call me brother-in-law, then I can't protect you. Besides, no one here has your horse More, more than 40, even my brother-in-law is ashamed! Since you have enjoyed everything, then you have no regrets. Therefore, the glorious and great task of killing shemale belongs to you, it is God It is destined to make you famous." Leng Ye said seriously.

"Brother-in-law, what you said seems to make some sense, but... But I still have regrets. I'm not yet 20 years old. If I just wither like this, then what's the point of my life? Just die." Chen said.

(End of this chapter)

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