Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1240 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1240 Underground Cemetery (41) ([-])
"Since this is the case, then you don't need to call me brother-in-law in the future. Your sister and I are destined not to be destined!" Leng Ye sighed, looking up to the sky.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law! Don't worry! If I don't do it, it doesn't mean no one will do it! I will recommend someone to you. I guarantee that he will kill him quickly and accurately, and will not harm his body." An Chen hurriedly said .

"Didn't you say that killing a shemale is no different from your own palace? How can it not hurt your body? Who are you lying to!" Leng Ye asked.

"Brother-in-law, think about it, if a person who is not good at that aspect is allowed to kill monsters, wouldn't that mean that he won't hurt himself?" An Chen said with a smile.

"Not in that respect? You mean Zixuanbing and Mozhi Wuhun?" Leng Ye asked.

"Brother-in-law, although Zixuanbing has some flaws, at least he can satisfy Mingmo. I think that's all. But the Martial Soul of the Demon is different. I have seen several beautiful girls go to the Demon's place several times. Martial Soul leaned by his side, but he was unmoved. I suspected that there was a serious problem with the Demonic Martial Soul, and it was even possible that he wouldn't act. Of course, I helped him take those girls. Go! Brother-in-law, if you entrust this task to Mozhi Wuhun, maybe he will thank you!" An Chen said.

"Even if he agrees, how can you kill the shemale?" Leng Ye asked again.

"Brother-in-law, do you remember that I talked about the upgrade of the Xingyue Magic Array when I came here? Now, my Xingyue Magic Array has reached the god level. Not only can I secretly learn the positive skills of players and monsters, but also directly Choose to learn the anti-skill that is opposite to this positive skill. As long as Mo Zhi Wuhun learns this anti-skill, then he will die with the monster. Haha!" An Chen said proudly, with a cheap smile on his face.

"To die together? No! No! Besides, isn't Xingyue Magic Formation only for you to learn skills? How can you force others to learn?" Leng Ye said immediately.

"Haha~~ Master, have you forgotten that I just told you about the upgrade of the Xingyue Magic Array? After the upgrade of the Xingyue Magic Array, you can freely let anyone within the field of vision learn the skills of another person without knowing it. Skills, be strong! Haha!! Brother-in-law, those who achieve great things must be ruthless, and it’s nothing to sacrifice one or two people.” An Chen said.

"It's not easy for Anchen to have such scheming at such a young age!" Leng Ye secretly sighed, but said: "No matter how old or young, he dared to teach your brother-in-law a lesson. I have already decided, let the two of you Let's learn anti-skills together and deal with the monsters together!"

"Brother-in-law, I don't dare, I will listen to my brother-in-law from now on. I will call the Demon Spirit now." An Chen smiled and called the Demon Spirit down from mid-air.

Perhaps it was caused by being humiliated under Akira Muto before, the Demon Martial Soul was still trembling, and hid behind Leng Ye far away, his legs were still trembling.However, when Anchen uttered his plan to kill the shemale, and then whispered a few words in the ear of the demon martial soul, the demon martial soul was filled with strength as if he had taken aphrodisiacs, holding his arms. Arm, impatient, wanting to fight desperately with the ladyboy.

(End of this chapter)

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