Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1257 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1257 The Underground Cemetery (6)
"In the middle? Brother-in-law, I know! Brother Feng's head is likely to be filled with a seven-inch long nail. His nervous system has been suppressed and he can't speak. As long as the nail is pulled out, Brother Feng will be fine." They will definitely be rescued." An Chen said suddenly.

"Is he right?" Gentle asked again.

Everyone turned their attention to the pair of eyes on the sculpture.

Arctic Maple blinked.

"Brother Feng, did you make a mistake? If you weren't empowered by seven-inch long nails, why would you be speechless?" An Chen hurriedly defended. Obviously, he was very selfish, but his answer to Beiji Feng was different. Be skeptical.

"Anchen, if you continue to make trouble here again, don't blame me for sending you back to the city with a sword." Leng Ye said angrily.

"Understood brother-in-law, I understand, I won't talk anymore." An Chen hurriedly stepped back three feet, bowed his head when he arrived, looking very docile, like a little sheep.

"Get out!" Leng Ye scolded An Chen, then came to the sculpture again, and said to Bei Beifeng: "Brother Feng, you have been wronged. Don't worry, we will find a way to rescue you. "

After hearing Leng Ye's words, the tears in Bei Beifeng's eyes couldn't stop flowing down again.

"Brother Feng, let me ask you now, is the switch on the head of the sculpture a plane or a line? If it's a plane, blink once, if it's a line, blink three times." Leng Ye said.

As soon as Leng Ye finished speaking, Bei Bei Feng blinked his eyes hastily, and they blinked endlessly.

Leng Ye could see that Beiji Feng probably wanted to blink three times, but he couldn't hold back because he was too excited.

"The line in the center of the head is neither left nor right, that is to say, it is a line going forward and backward, could it be..." Thinking of this, Leng Ye asked again: "Brother Feng, do you mean that as long as you start from the sculpture On the head, in the middle of the eyebrows, cut down with a sword, split the sculpture in two from the middle, so you can come out?"

As soon as Leng Ye's words fell, An Chen said: "Brother-in-law, your imagination is too rich! A sword cut from the middle, even a good person can be split in half."

Leng Ye stared at Bei Beifeng's eyes all the time, while Anchen was speaking, he saw Bei Beifeng's eyes blinking desperately, and the tears in his eyes couldn't stop flowing.

"Anchen, get out!!!" Leng Ye said angrily, then pulled out his lazy sword, raised his hands high, and was about to slash at the sculpture, but was stopped by the poor young man.

"Guild Master, although I don't know exactly how those little demons died just now, I can imagine that the deaths of tens of millions of little demons just now are definitely related to Bei Beifeng and the others. Guild Master, go down with your sword!" , If we can rescue Brother Feng, that would be great. The road ahead is more difficult for us, if we kill him, it will be a big loss! So, please confirm again with the leader, so as not to kill by mistake. " Said the poor young man.

(End of this chapter)

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