Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1258 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1258 The Underground Cemetery (7)
Leng Ye nodded, raised the sword in his hand again, and said to Bei Beifeng: "Brother Feng, you must have heard what I and the young master have said. Now I am going to cut the sculpture from the middle with a sword, and divide the whole sculpture into two parts." Two equal halves, if you think I can save you in this way, then blink the left eye three times first, then blink the right eye three times."

As soon as Leng Ye finished speaking, Bei Beifeng's left eye blinked...

"Brother Feng, although I don't know the reason for this, but since you agree, I won't ask any more. Whether you live or die with this sword, it can be regarded as a kind of relief for you. I did as you wished." As Leng Ye spoke, the lazy sword in his hand was raised high, and as soon as the words fell, the lazy sword fell on the sculpture's bald head, the speed was fast and the attack was fierce, With lightning speed, he slashed fiercely from the center of the bald head along the midline of the body.

As soon as the lazy sword touched the sculpture's bald head, it made a loud "dang", sparks flew everywhere, and Leng Ye's whole hand was numb due to the shock.Contrary to everyone's expectations, Lazy Sword's ferocious sword stopped suddenly after cutting three inches into the bald head, and could no longer go any deeper.Judging from the situation, Lazy Sword didn't even hurt a single hair of Beiji Feng who was hiding in the sculpture.

"No wonder Brother Feng let me cut it down!" Leng Ye secretly thought, and then thought: "What's going on? Is this considered to be a broken mechanism?"

At this moment, the sculpture slowly cracked downward along the direction of the lazy sword's incision, and after a while, it was divided into two from the middle and fell to both sides.Then, a handsome figure appeared in front of everyone.

"I'm finally out! I'm finally out! Thank you, Master, thank you! Master, you are really thoughtful and witty. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would be ruined here in my life. Thank you, Master! Thank you, Master!" Bei Bei Feng said, crying with snot and tears.

At this moment, the system's notification sounded.

System prompt: Because Bei Feng, a gang member of the Sword Demon Palace, killed tens of thousands of undead demons, the system rewards all gang members with [-] more gang combat power, [-] more gang resistance, and [-] more gang meditation.

"It seems that those little monsters were all killed by Beijifeng. In less than an hour, they killed tens of thousands of undead monsters, cow! Really cow!" Leng Ye couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Master, please save them!" Bei Beifeng suddenly pointed to the rocky sculptures on the ground.

"You mean they are still alive?" Leng Ye asked.He looked at the shapes of the sculptures on the ground, some of which resembled humans, some resembled dogs, and some did not look like humans or dogs, and he was deeply moved.

"Boss, you just need to cut along the centerline of these sculptures, the harder the better." Bei Beifeng said.

Leng Ye nodded, without asking any further questions, he swung the lazy sword in his hand, and slashed straight into a dog-shaped sculpture.The sword was powerful, and as soon as it hit the sculptured dog's head, there was a loud "dang" sound, and then the entire "dog" sculpture was split in two from the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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