Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1259 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1259 The Underground Cemetery (8)
The rocks cleared away, and a figure appeared in front of everyone.From this person's face, it can be seen that he is a wine bottle. However, for some unknown reason, his chubby beer belly has long since disappeared. stay in the sculpture.

Then, Leng Ye split the snake-shaped sculpture and rescued Cang Hai Weilong from it; he split the dog-shaped sculpture and rescued Mr. Liu from it.Afterwards, Leng Ye split another cat-shaped sculpture. However, what made him depressed was that there was no shadow of the ghost. Obviously, she had already hung up.

"Renrou, why are you crying?" Leng Ye suddenly found Wenrou weeping beside him, he was very puzzled and asked.

"Leng...Brother Leng, the Elephant King is dead...died." Wen Wen wept.

"Isn't it just a summoning thing? Just recruit after death."

"Brother Leng, I am a beast tamer. My summoned creature cannot be summoned after it dies."

Leng Ye sighed, and said: "Just catch it later!" He looked around and found four holes appeared in front of him at some point.The inside of the cave was extremely dark, and he couldn't see inside. At that moment, his heart was even more at a loss.

"Brother Young Master, how long have we been in the underground cemetery?" Leng Ye turned his head to the poor young man and asked.

"Master, it's been five days. In two more days, it's the deadline for us to hand over the Yamato dagger to the devil. We can't go out by then, and there may be accidents outside." Said the lost son.

Leng Ye nodded and said: "There are four entrances here, and one of them should lead to the Dahe vein. We are now divided into four teams to look for it. Let everyone know whoever finds it immediately. Don't rush to do it."

Everyone agreed with Leng Ye's words. At that moment, the 23 people were divided into four teams and marched towards the four cave entrances.

Afterwards, Leng Ye took the down-and-out son, Wen Rou, French Fries, and Canghai Weilong to a cave entrance in the east.

With the presence of the little sun, the originally pitch-black cave suddenly became brighter.Leng Ye led the five people straight ahead, and before they knew it, they encountered four more entrances, which made them feel at a loss.

"Guangzhu, if the five of us separate again, we won't be able to take care of each other." Said the poor young man.

"En!" Leng Ye nodded and said, "Let's go in one direction." However, several people have their own opinions on which direction to go.

"Master, according to Feng Shui theory, the center should be respected first, and the right should be respected second. Therefore, I suggest that we enter the cave on the right side of the center." Said the poor young man.

"Brother Leng, according to physiognomy, the center and the left are the best, so I suggest that we enter the cave to the left of the center." Gentle said.

"Master, I suggest that we enter the cave on the far left, because the tasks I have completed before are all like this." French Fries said.This leftist can be considered to have set his precedent.

"Brother Canghai, what's your opinion?" Leng Ye asked.

(End of this chapter)

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