Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1260 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1260 The Underground Cemetery (9)
"Master, I have no opinion. Wherever you go, I will go with you." Canghai Weilong said, and then added: "I have a special feeling. When we came in, we went to the easternmost Shandong. And I think this cave is heading east."

Cang Haiweilong speaks amazingly.Because the road in the cave is winding and winding, no one can clearly identify the direction inside. Cang Haiweilong's words made everyone have a sense of direction.

"Brother, if this is the case, you can use the jade gossip to identify it. If this road really goes east, let's go this way." Leng Ye said.

"Okay!" Said Mr. Luo Po, he took out the jade gossip and started measuring.

Young Master Luo Po wandered around with the jade gossip for a while, then came to Leng Ye, and said, "Master, Brother Canghai feels good, this place is indeed due east, and the direction of the entrance of the cave is exactly the same as when we came in."

"Okay then, let's go this way, let's go!" Leng Ye turned and said to everyone, and stepped into the cave with one step.

As soon as Leng Ye's feet stepped into the entrance of the cave, he felt as if his feet were empty. Then, his whole body began to fall rapidly, and his eyes darkened.

Hearing the whistling wind, Leng Ye in the darkness smiled wryly, and secretly sighed: "I hope I don't get thrown to my death." Thinking of this, Leng Ye quickly called out Xiao Bai, and waited until he rode After getting on Xiaobai, he smiled wryly again, and cursed secretly: "I'm so confused! With two big magic beasts in my body, how could I die so easily?"

At this moment, Leng Ye suddenly felt that his hand holding Xiaobai's rein was hit by something, and then he heard the girl scream "Ah!", and then his neck was touched by a pair of tender little hands. It was firmly grasped.From the girl's voice and the smell of perfume on her body, Leng Ye recognized that this girl was none other than gentleness.

In the dark, although Leng Ye and Wen Rou couldn't see each other, from the movements of Wen Wen's hands, Leng Ye could clearly feel that the little girl was face to face with him.Not only that, Leng Ye could clearly feel that Wen Rou was squeezing himself hard, touching every nerve cell in his body.Of course, Leng Ye could feel that it wasn't intentional this time, he knew that it was caused by being overly frightened and afraid of falling. .

"Sister Wenrou, is that you?" Leng Ye felt a little uncomfortable being teased by Wen Ye, and as a last resort, Leng Ye had no choice but to use this method to distract himself.

After a while, Leng Ye didn't hear any echo, but could hear the other party's breathing becoming more and more rapid.To Leng Ye's surprise, something wet suddenly stuck to his lips.Leng Ye could clearly feel that it was a pair of lips, a girl's moist and soft lips, sweet and delicious, mixed with the refreshing fragrance emanating from the girl's mouth.The only downside is that the other party doesn't seem to know how to kiss at all, and they are very familiar.At this moment, Leng Ye's whole body was bursting with blood, but he was still struggling for the last time.

(End of this chapter)

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