Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1272 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1272 The Underground Cemetery (21)
Although the python has no wings, it can fly.As soon as the spirit card flew out, it circled around the hall, circling the beams and pillars, as fast as the wind and lightning, leaving behind purple-red clouds one after another as it flew past.

Leng Ye was startled at first, but soon he regained his composure.He cast his eyes on Hideki Tojo in the portrait, and saw that guy's face was livid, his eyes were so big that they almost fell to the ground.And its mouth, which is not easy to open, is opened to the extreme at the moment, and the mouth is still emitting a cold air. Looking at the situation, it can't wait for the giant python outside.

As soon as the Divine Appreciation Technique came out, Leng Ye saw the attributes of this giant python.

Yamato no Orochi No. [-]: Super Warcraft, life:? ? ?attack? ? ?defense? ? ?speed? ? ?Skill? ? ?
"Isn't Yamata no Orochi a legendary creature in the myth of the Japanese devils? According to legend, Yamata no Orochi has eight heads and eight tails, its eyes are as bright red as "physalis grass", its back is covered with moss and trees, and its abdomen is festering. The shape is bleeding, and there are often rain clouds (sky cluster clouds) floating above the head, and its body is as huge as eight peaks and eight valleys. It likes to drink very much. But now it has become a loner?" Leng Ye was puzzled Puzzled, however, when Leng Ye's gaze filtered the monster's name again, he began to understand a little bit, "Yachi no Orochi's eight, which means that Yamato no Orochi consists of eight such giant pythons. It is very likely that there will be one of the Yamato no Orochi, the second of the Yamato no Orochi... If it comes in order, then this giant python will be the last one. The eight giant pythons gather together and become the Yamato no Orochi... This A giant python is already a super monster, and the Yamato no Orochi..."

Thinking of this, the unprecedented sense of fear reappeared in Leng Ye's heart. He knew that it was almost impossible to live here today.

However, Leng Ye is quite looking forward to the appearance of Yamato no Orochi.Because, today, he is likely to see a new level of monsters that he has never seen before, which is the existence of super mythical beasts and super magical beasts.As for what kind of monster it is, Leng Ye has no way of knowing, but he guesses that it is probably a magic beast.

Look at Zhang Feng again, ever since he held the spiritual tablet in his hand and saw the giant python flying out, he was completely dumbfounded, standing there dumbly, motionless, like a zombie.

"Zhang Feng, put it away!" Leng Ye shouted loudly.However, Zhang Feng seemed to be really stupid, he didn't listen to Leng Ye's words, and didn't make any changes.Then, Leng Ye heard Cang Haiweilong say, "We can't let him take away the spiritual position!"

Maybe it was Cang Haiweilong's words that woke up the other people who were still in shock. In the blink of an eye, they all rushed towards Zhang Feng.

"It seems that the spiritual position is very important to them! If you die, you must take the spiritual position away." Thinking of this, Leng Ye teleported to Zhang Feng's body, grabbed the spiritual position in his hand first, and teleported again , his figure appeared five meters away.After Leng Ye put the spiritual tablet into the Ring of Space, Leng Ye's triumphant laughter was heard in the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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