Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1273 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1273 The Underground Cemetery (22)
The moment Leng Ye put away the spirit tablet, he felt the chill behind him, and he knew that it was Yamato no Orochi who came, "It must have become angry from embarrassment! Its arrival means that I am close to death." Far."

Leng Ye knew that with his first-class strength, he still couldn't compete with the super monster, not to mention that his strength had been suppressed here, so Leng Ye also gave up resistance, closed his eyes, and waited for death peacefully.

At this moment, a smug smile appeared on the corner of Leng Ye's mouth, it was a kind of winner's smile.Although he didn't dig out the Dahe Mai, but he got the spirit card that is closely related to the Dahe Mai. He is confident that as long as he has this spirit card, the Dahe Mai will be in his hands.

The whistling wind behind him was getting closer and closer, and in the blink of an eye, it had surrounded him.Leng Ye knew that hovering beside her at this moment was a giant python that was bigger, more powerful, and higher-level than the ice witch's green dragon.As long as it opens its mouth, it will die.However, at this moment, Leng Ye is really fearless, the only thing he hopes for is this giant python, this giant python called Yamato no Hachi can swallow himself as soon as possible, and send himself back to the sword safely. magic city.

Suddenly, Leng Ye found that the whistling wind stopped suddenly, and in an instant, the whole hall fell into a terrible silence, even the breathing of everyone was silent.

"What the hell? Don't kill me? Are you waiting for me to kill him?" Leng Ye slowly opened his eyes, and found that the people in the whole hall were staring at him, motionless, not even blinking.

"Master," Zhang Feng said hesitantly, his hands involuntarily pointed to Leng Ye's head.

When he raised his head, what Leng Ye saw was a bloody mouth with a thin and long bright red tongue, swallowing and spitting it out, if the giant python had swallowed him just now, it would be fine, but now, If he had to watch the giant python swallow him from top to bottom, he still felt an indescribable fear in his heart.

"That's not right! If it wanted to eat it, I'm afraid I would have started it a long time ago. Why wait until now? Could it be... Could it be that it is reluctant to part with that spirit card?" Thinking of this, Leng Ye couldn't help laughing twice, and said: "Ba Qi Orochi Eighth, you are a super monster, I think you can understand my words. I will tell you now, if you want a spirit card, you must listen to me, otherwise, haha~~"

As soon as Leng Ye finished speaking, he saw the giant python landed in front of Leng Ye, coiled into a ball, raised its head, as tall as a person, and then opened its mouth, and let out a roar.

"Peng'er, I know you can see everything in front of you clearly, and I also know that you must be very clear about my current situation. Boss, I am in danger. I don't blame you if you don't help me, but now the boss wants you Move your lips, and translate for me the words of Yamato no Orochi, if you continue to pretend to be asleep, I will treat you as the boss without your pet, and I will not be your boss in the future, let's make a clean break." Leng Ye said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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