Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1275 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1275 The Underground Cemetery (24)
System Announcement: Since the XXX player obtained the Void Summoning Item, the pet system was automatically upgraded. Since then, the Void Summoning space on the player has been officially opened.

"Isn't it a Lazy Sword Summoner? When did it become a Void Summoner? What is that?" Leng Ye was puzzled, and quickly opened his attributes to look. Explanation of void summons.

"Peng'er, what is a Void Summoner? Didn't I say that I want Xiao Ba to become a Lazy Sword Summoner?" Leng Ye asked.

"Boss, the Void Summoner is much stronger than the Lazy Sword Summoner, you can do it now!" Peng'er said.

"I sent it? Void Summoning, it can't be something illusory, right? Why can't I see it from the attribute list." Leng Ye asked.

"Boss, are you ignorant? Void summons have two major characteristics. First, after being transformed from monsters into summons, their thinking, strength, etc. will not change in any way because they become summons. Second, they Absolutely obey the master's orders, and thirdly, the most significant difference between void summons and other pet summons is that when they attack the enemy, especially the player, they all exist as a single individual." Peng son said.

Leng Ye came all the way from surprise, his immunity is naturally stronger than the average person, so when he heard the first two, he didn't have much reaction as if he saw a beautiful girl, but , When he heard the third article, his eyes lit up, as if he saw an angel descending from the earth, his heart was filled with excitement.In order to prove that he heard correctly, Leng Ye immediately asked: "Peng'er, do you mean that from now on, when Xiao Ba attacks others, he will not remind me that he is attacking?"

"Boss, congratulations for getting the answer right, but there is no reward. Also, Boss, I have some bad news to tell you. I wonder if you want to hear it, Boss?" Peng'er said suddenly.

"Bad news? It's about Xiao Ba? Come and hear it." Leng Ye said.

"Boss, void summons are special summons in the game. Every time they are summoned, they will consume [-] point of reputation." Peng'er said.

"Haha~~Silly Peng'er, your boss and I have a reputation of nearly ten million, and I'm afraid it won't succeed!" Leng Ye laughed.

"Boss, don't worry, just keep listening to me! Every time a summoned creature in the void dies, it needs [-] times the prestige to be summoned again." Peng'er said again.

"Haha~~ Even if it dies ten times, it only takes one day, then...then..." Leng Ye's laughter stopped abruptly, and he hurriedly said: "Peng'er, what are you talking about?"

"Boss, you can't laugh anymore! Don't you only have 1000 million reputation? As long as Xiaoba dies eight times, unless you have another [-] million reputation, you won't be able to summon him again." Peng'er said.

"Damn! I thought I took advantage of it, but I was fooled. No, I want to sue. I don't want this void summoner anymore." Leng Ye raised his head to the sky and screamed loudly. However, he was just complaining. He knew that this It's a strong buy and strong sell, and you can't push it back even if you want to return it.

(End of this chapter)

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