Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1276 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1276 The Underground Cemetery (25)
"The ninth sword of Dugu Nine Swords is related to prestige. I must not waste my prestige on this silly snake. Fortunately, I have the initiative. At worst, I will not summon it in the future." I thought: "Waste is tantamount to crime, not to mention a powerful thing like a super monster, how can it die so easily? What's more, I don't want it to die."

Thinking of this, Leng Ye couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Peng'er, tell the boss again, how can I take Xiao Ba back to the void pet space? How can I summon him out?" Leng Ye asked.

"Boss, it's simple, you just need to add a swear word before calling Xiaoba, and then give it an order." Peng'er laughed.

"Foul words? Could it be that Yamato no Orochi is a bitch? Doesn't feel comfortable not scolding? But Peng'er never jokes with me on this kind of issue." Thinking this way, Leng Ye tried to speak: "Silly Xiao Ba , go back to the pet space!" As soon as the voice fell, Leng Ye couldn't help but burst out laughing.

To Leng Ye's perplexity, Peng'er's laughter came from the pet space again, and when he looked in front of him, Yachi no Orochi was still there. At that moment, Leng Ye was very depressed, and thought: "Peng'er, Peng'er, I trust you so much in vain, you dare to lie to me." Although he didn't say this, he absolutely believed that Peng'er could "hear".

Sure enough, Peng'er immediately stopped laughing, and said angrily, "Brother Leng, how could you say that about me? When did I lie to you? You were the one who yelled without listening to what others were saying. How dare you blame me, woo woo woo ~~~”

Leng Ye was startled, annoyed, and it took a lot of effort to coax Peng'er into a smile, and got the little girl's forgiveness.

"Boss, although you can add this swearing at will, you can't add it however you want." Peng'er said.

If Leng Ye didn't listen, he became even more confused when he heard it, and asked, "Peng'er, what do you mean I can add and can't add casually? Explain to the boss quickly."

"Boss, no matter what you add before Xiaoba, it must include Xiaoba's birthplace. Only in this way, Xiaobai can hear that you are giving it the order to enter and exit the pet space." Peng'er said.

After listening to Peng'er's words, Leng Ye nodded thoughtfully, and thought, "Little Ba was born in the Yasukuni Shrine, so I just need to curse the Yasukuni Shrine, and Xiao Ba can understand? Ha~ ~It's so satisfying!" Leng Ye smiled, and said to Yachi no Hachi who was still crossed and raised his head: "Fuck NMD Yasukuni Shrine, Hachi, go back to the pet space."

Seeing that Yamato no Orochi was not moved at all, Leng Ye said again: "Fuck Grandma N's Yasukuni Shrine, Hachi, go back to the void pet space."

"So Xiao Ba's birthplace is not in the Yasukuni Shrine? Could it be an underground cemetery?" Thinking of this, Leng Ye blurted out: "Fuck N's grandma's underground cemetery, Xiao Ba, go back to the void pet space." Let Leng Ye Depressedly, Hachi no Orochi remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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