Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1277 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1277 The Underground Cemetery (26)
In desperation, Leng Ye had no choice but to ask Peng'er for help, and asked, "Peng'er, where is Xiao Ba's birthplace? Please tell the boss."

"Boss, if I knew, I would have told you! You should ask yourself, I'm going to bed." As soon as Peng'er finished speaking, the little girl's low voice immediately came from the pet space.

"There are only four islands in Little Japan. I don't believe that Xiao Ba came here." Thinking of this, Leng Ye couldn't help cursing again.

"Your grandma is talking about Benzhou, Xiaoba, go back to the void pet space."

"Your grandma has four legs, Hachi, go back to the void pet space."

"Your grandma is Kyushu, Xiaoba, go back to the void pet space."

"Your grandma bear Hokkaido, Xiaoba, go back to the void pet space."

Even though Leng Ye scolded Little Japan's territory all over in one breath, Yamato no Orochi Hachi still held his head up, showing no sign of going back.

"If Xiaoba didn't come here, there is only one possibility. It only recognizes one kind of code. In other words, it only has a cold for the inherent place of birth." Thinking of this, Leng Ye cursed again: "CNMD Tokyo , Xiaoba, hurry back to the void pet space."

What made Leng Ye depressed was that Hachi no Yamato remained unmoved.

"Could it be that Yamato no Orochi was born in Japan? But it is clearly a creature in Japanese mythology!" Leng Ye said depressedly, and suddenly, he heard Zhang Feng's voice: "Boss, it's not good! It's not good! You Look!"

"What's all the fuss about!" Leng Ye was thinking about how to get back on Yachi no Hachi, and replied casually.As soon as the words came out, Leng Ye realized that it was Zhang Feng's voice.Hearing the sound, Leng Ye found that Zhang Feng was running towards this side. Behind Zhang Feng, there was no other movement except the portrait on the wall swaying back and forth.

"Brother Feng, you are rushing to reincarnate!" Leng Ye laughed.

"Guild leader, ghost! Ghost!" Zhang Feng said while running, with a fast speed, and he came to Leng Ye's side in the blink of an eye.

"There are no ghosts in the real world, so what are you afraid of? This is just a game, even if there are ghosts, they are just monsters." Leng Ye smiled and shook his head.However, when Leng Ye's eyes fell on the portrait of Tojo Hideki who kept swaying back and forth again, he muttered in his heart again: "There are walls on all sides, it is an absolutely enclosed space, where is the wind coming from!"

"Could it be that Hideki Tojo is about to wake up?" Leng Ye wondered.

"Master, I saw a grimace just now, it was so scary!" Zhang Feng said.

"Ghost face?" Leng Ye looked around, and found that there was no weird phenomenon, let alone the grimace Zhang Feng mentioned.Suddenly, Leng Ye found that the portrait stopped and was pasted on the wall again.Calm was restored in the entire hall.

(End of this chapter)

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