Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1278 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1278 The Underground Cemetery (27)
"Hideki Tojo can eat the seven elder brothers of Yagi no Orochi, who is stronger than the super monster. Even if it is not a magic beast, it is almost the same. Since it hasn't come out yet, the most urgent thing is to take Hachi back. Otherwise, Xiao Hachi will die in vain." Thinking of this, Leng Ye turned his attention to Yachi no Orochi Hachi.

"Master, that grimace..." Before Zhang Feng could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Leng Ye.

"Okay, don't talk about grimaces for now." Leng Ye sighed and said, "Brother, I'm asking you now. From your point of view, where is this little snake's birthplace?"

"Little snake? Leader, are you right? He is at least a dozen meters long and weighs a thousand kilograms, yet you still call it a little snake?" Zhang Feng said in surprise, then said again: "Master, I am surprised, Why didn't this giant python attack you?"

"Brother, it is my summoned object now. Don't ask too many questions, just answer my question directly." Leng Ye said.

"Master, do you still need to ask? This is the territory of the Japanese devils. The birthplace of this giant...little snake is naturally Japan." Zhang Feng said.

"Why did I forget this?" Leng Ye blamed himself secretly.He once again aimed his gaze at Yachi no Hachichi who was coiled on the ground, and said, "Fuck you Japanese devil, Hachi, go back to the void pet space!"

As soon as Leng Ye's words fell, he saw the eight of the Yamato no Orochi disappearing in a burst of white light, and he was overjoyed.

After scolding the Japanese devils, and being able to manipulate the super monsters native to Japan, the wonderful feeling in Leng Ye's heart was incomparable. He laughed and blurted out: "Fuck you Japanese devils, Xiaoba, come out quickly..." Fortunately, Leng Ye Abruptly stop it in time, otherwise, just wait for him to say the four words "pet space", Yagi no Orochi Hachi will be summoned, and then he will probably be killed by Tojo Hideki after he wakes up. It was a waste of a summoning opportunity.

"Master, what should we do now? In my opinion, it's better to burn the portrait, and burn the grimace on the painting to death." Zhang Feng said suddenly.

"Burn? Why didn't I think of this. If there is no skin, there will be no hair, the portraits are all burned, and Hideki Tojo has no 'foothold', haha~~ Good idea!" Thinking secretly, Leng Ye He said to Zhang Feng: "Brother, do you have a fire source?"

Zhang Feng said: "Master, your fire unicorn and fire phoenix are both fire-type supreme beings, just let them come out." Leng Ye shook his head and said: "Of course they are fire-type supreme beings, I also believe that they can Burn the portraits, however, they are noble and eccentric, so they may not be willing to do such trivial things." Lazy sword stayed in the scabbard for less than six hours, so he couldn't use his summoning skills, at this moment, he didn't want to put himself in the scabbard. The matter of controlling the lazy sword was widely advertised, so I replied like this.

Zhang Feng didn't think much about it, and said, "Master, let my fire elf try it!" Putting his palms together, muttering something, in an instant, a fiery red ball appeared in front of his eyes.Zhang Feng pointed to the portrait on the wall and shouted: "Burn!" The fire elf bounced like a basketball, and immediately jumped onto the table where the spirit cards were placed. It was thrown out of its body, and the portraits of Hideki Tojo were stamped on it one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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