Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1281 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1281 The Underground Cemetery (30)
At this time, a female voice suddenly yelled arrogantly from behind Leng Ye: "Leng Ye! You are really good! Haha~~" The voice was not only arrogant, but also full of murderous and deterrent power.

Leng Ye's heart was shocked, and he turned his head slowly, before he saw who was coming, he also burst out laughing.However, when he saw the true face of the visitor, his laughter stopped abruptly.

What appeared in front of Leng Ye was a beautiful angel with fair skin and otherworldly, sitting cross-legged, sitting on a lotus platform, surrounded by cherry blossoms, the cherry blossoms were red and weird, like neon lights, flashing It flashes, it is really dazzling, which brings out the beauty of the angel even more.

Leng Ye was sure that, in terms of appearance alone, this woman in her early twenties was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen since she was born. However, for some reason, he didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about the girl in front of him.

"Keep laughing! How did you make up for it? You, Leng Ye, are the first one who dared to be so presumptuous in front of Fa Ling, and I admire you from the bottom of my heart!"

Leng Ye was sure that this sentence came from the mouth of this beautiful girl. To Leng Ye's surprise, the voice was not a female voice, but a thick baritone, deep and full of domineering.

"Dharma spirit?" As soon as the divine appraising technique came out, Leng Ye also saw the girl's attributes.

Hideki Tojo: Faling, attack? ? ?defense? ? ?life? ? ?speed? ? ?Skill? ? ?
"Shemale...shemale...this...this..." Leng Ye faltered and opened his mouth wide.

"Haha~~ Leng Ye, are you frightened by this Faling? Haha!! However, you don't have to be afraid, I don't want to kill you either. As long as you give me the lazy sword willingly, I will release you immediately, otherwise , you will never leave the Yasukuni Shrine." Hideki Tojo said, and at this moment, his voice changed back to a female voice.

"This magic spirit is really awesome. He even knew that I have a lazy sword. But he was too self-sufficient, and he asked me to hand over the lazy sword without shame. What's even more ridiculous is that he said that I would never want to leave Yasukuni Shrine. Haha~~ If the Yasukuni Shrine can really trap me, then it doesn’t need to make terms with me. Haha!!!” Thinking this way in his heart, Leng Ye said: “I want my laziness Swords are also fine, but Lazy Sword is my favorite after all, I don't want it to fall into the hands of incompetent people, so as not to humiliate it."

"Haha~~ Leng Ye, you should be very clear, as long as I blow one breath, you will die immediately. You say this, because you don't want to give me the lazy sword?" Hideki Tojo said.

"I definitely don't mean that! However, hearing is believing, seeing is believing, as long as you can get rid of these people within three strokes, I can consider giving you the lazy sword." Leng Ye said.

Now that he can communicate with Hideki Tojo, Leng Ye will try his best to get more information about the Yasukuni Shrine and even the underground cemetery from him so that he can go to other countries to dig graves.However, Leng Ye also knows the truth of "three cobblers, Zhuge Liang is the best", although he doesn't think that the fake Canghai Weilong and others in front of him dare to be presumptuous in front of Hideki Tojo, but he can't guarantee that these people He will also intervene, that way, it will be much more troublesome to communicate with Hideki Tojo.

(End of this chapter)

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