Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1282 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1282 The Underground Cemetery (31)
"Haha~~Leng Ye, I only know that you are very powerful, but I didn't expect you to be so despicable and use such dirty tricks. Haha~~ But, these people are my loyal subordinates, I want them to die , why do I need to do it myself?" Hideki Tojo said, his eyes kicked, and then he saw Canghai Weilong and others in the hall immediately messed up and started fighting with each other.

Leng Ye could tell that they all used suicidal tactics, only attacking but not defending.Not long after, only Canghai Weilong was left in the entire hall.

"Lord Fa Ling, I'll go first." Canghai Weilong said, and the death scythe in his hand chopped off his forehead, and then it disappeared into a burst of white light.

"It's amazing! It's really amazing! I admire it! I really admire it! Hideki Tojo, you are really vicious, you know it's my trick... yet you are so cruel to your subordinates, amazing, really amazing!" Leng Ye laughed.

"Haha!! They still want to be my subordinates just because of their three-legged cat skills, I am! Leng Ye, you Chinese are all about keeping your promises, you can give me the lazy sword now!" Hideki Tojo said.

"Haha! That's right, we Chinese pay attention to keeping our word, but that's only for people, and for devils, they don't need any credit at all! Haha!!" Leng Ye laughed loudly.

Hideo Tojo's face was flushed with arrogance, and he wanted to kill Leng Ye in order to be quick, but his hands full of domineering strength had just been raised and lowered.

"Hideki Tojo, do it! You can kill me immediately! Why are you afraid of death? However, you should be very clear that even if you kill me, you will not get the lazy sword." Leng Ye laughed .

"I have a way to get you to hand over the lazy sword obediently." Tojo Hideki said angrily, and then closed his eyes.

Looking at Hideki Tojo's expression, Leng Ye definitely believed that Hideki Tojo could do it, but he also felt that it might take a lot of skill or spirit for Tojo Hideki, so he Said: "Haha~ Tojo Hideki, you don't have to bother. If you want to get the lazy sword, you can just answer me [-] questions, and I promise to return the lazy sword to you."

Sure enough, after hearing Leng Ye's words, Tojo Hideki quickly opened his eyes again, and said, "Okay! You ask."

"That's good! In order to ensure that what you say is the truth, you must swear a heavy oath in front of Empress Nuwa, and you must also ensure that you will not kill me before I finish asking all the questions." Leng Ye said.

"No problem! But, you too." Hideki Tojo said.

Soon, the two made vicious oaths in front of Empress Nuwa, and the question and answer officially began.

"Hideki Tojo, listen carefully, the first question: Where did the 64 brothers and sisters who came in with me go? Did you kill them? When did you do it?" Leng Ye asked He said, and then quickly added: "This can be regarded as a question. If you disagree, then forget it. I won't continue asking. Anyway, you can't kill me before asking the tenth question."

(End of this chapter)

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