Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1308 Shenwu Rokuro's Conspiracy

Chapter 1308 The Conspiracy of Shenmu Rokuro (4)
"Haha~~ Leng Ye, Leng Ye, you are so smart that you were confused for a while. I told you that this is Wei Renzi, a concubine. We have registered for marriage. You block him out of the door. You are not really going to be confused. Is it? Haha~~" Shenwu Liulang laughed loudly, and then began to grope Leng Ye's body indiscriminately.

After a while, Shenmu Rokuro had an extra dagger in his hand, and then he laughed even harder.

"Yamato dagger, it's really a Yamato dagger!" Kanmu Rokuro held the Yamato dagger fondly and showed his tenacity.

"Rokuro, you are amazing!" Jian Jian leaned on Shenmu Rokuro's side, watching happily.

"Master Shenwu, since you have obtained the Yamato dagger, then hurry up and open the second gate of the cemetery!" said the long-faced knight.

"Yes! Then quickly open the second door, so that we can all see and see." Another gang leader with a mustache also echoed.

"Haha!! Leaders Kimura and Leader Nagano, don't be in a hurry. As long as you kill Leng Ye, we will take you there right away." Jian Jian said.

"Kill Leng Ye? That's good. The leader of the Shenwu Gang must keep his word!" As the mustache spoke, he raised his ninja knife and slashed at Leng Ye.

After one cut, Leng Ye survived; after two cuts, Leng Ye still stood firmly; after three cuts, Leng Ye remained motionless.

"Master Nagano, change mine." The long-faced knight shouted, and then steered his mount Wind Wolf towards Leng Ye.Afterwards, Leng Ye disappeared.

The long-faced knight was stunned, and then happily said: "No matter how powerful a person is, they will not escape the critical blow from me and the wind wolf." Then he said: "Master Shenwu, can you open the second stone gate now?"

"Haha~~" Shenwu Rokuro laughed wildly in the underground cemetery.As soon as he waved his hands, Wei Renzi flew out the silver needles with both hands and hit the long-faced knight and the mustache respectively.

Where Yinzhen arrived, the two leaders of the dignified eight major gang alliances were killed.

"Haha~~ Overestimated one's abilities and dared to rob me!" Shenwu Liulang said coldly.

"Liulang, let's release the undead!" Wei Renzi said.

"Well! As long as these undead are released, they will be grateful to me. I will take them to destroy other gangs first, and unify the entire Japanese area...Is the Jianguoling still with you?" Shenmu Rokuro asked.

"Yes! Would you like me to bring it to you now." Wei Renzi said.

"Haha!! No need. These two founding decrees cost 1000 billion to obtain, and one of them is cheaper than Leng Ye. When I unify the Japanese region, I must pay for it with blood." Shenmu Rokuro said.

"And my two flying stones from beyond the sky, they must be taken back." Wei Renzi added.

"Good! Good! Good! Although you are the incarnation of a man, the stimulation you bring to me is stronger than that of any woman in the world. As long as you are obedient, I will give you whatever you want." Shenwu Rokuro said.

"Liulang, you are so kind!" Wei Renzi laughed.

"Okay, quickly bring the map." Shenwu Rokuro said, and then showed the map for a while with the Yamato dagger, glanced at Wei Renzi and said, "Is this map real? Why can't the location be sensed? "

(End of this chapter)

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