Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1309 Shenwu Rokuro's Conspiracy

Chapter 1309 The Conspiracy of Shenmu Rokuro (5)
"Liulang, how can you doubt me? Let me try." Wei Renzi said, then took the Yamato dagger and began to draw on the map.

Suddenly, a squeaking red dot appeared on the map, and Wei Renzi and Shenwu Liulang were overjoyed.

The two quickly arrived at the position of the Virgo Star Soul in the Twelve Actions. According to the specific position on the map, they found a raised platform the size of a fist, and then used the Yamato dagger to sense it.

"Liulang, open this door quickly!" Wei Renzi urged.

"No, why can't I sense it." Shenmu Rokuro was sweating anxiously.

What made the two of them depressed was that they had been working for a long time and still nothing happened.

"Is there something missing?" Wei Renzi said.

"Then let's go and have a look!" Shenmu Rokuro said.A burst of white light drifted past, and the two disappeared in the hall of the Zodiac Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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