Chapter 1310
After Shenwu Liulang and Wei Renzi disappeared completely, Leng Ye, who had been in an invisible state in the Twelve Star Palace, sighed: "It's a pity that Ruyi changed." He was secretly glad to leave, otherwise, he would have to use the Lazy Sword to sense Shimen again, and in that case, in order not to be exposed, he had no choice but to go out.

"They are talking about undead, are there really undead here? The number of undead that is enough to make Shenwu Liulang willing to abandon Heshibi and Jianguoling should not be too small, probably it is an army of undead!" Leng Ye was worried, secretly Secretly delighted.

After waiting for about 3 minutes, Leng Ye confirmed that Shenwu Liulang and Wei Renzi had indeed left, and he took the lazy sword to sense the bulge at the Virgo star soul.As soon as the lazy sword arrived, the bulge began to sink slowly, and after a while, it was level with the ground.

"How could this happen?" After waiting for another full minute, Leng Ye found that there was still no change, and thought: "So this one is not the last switch! It seems that I am still impatient."

Leng Ye couldn't stop blaming himself.At the same time, he was not willing to let the cooked duck fly away, so he looked around the whole Virgo star soul.

After watching for a while, Leng Ye didn't find any abnormalities, and then used the Lazy Sword to probe the entire Virgo Star Soul, but there was still nothing moving.

"YY, where is the problem?" Leng Ye was very depressed.

"Anyway, they can't come in without the lazy sword. I have plenty of time to look for it. I will search carefully. I can't give up, I can't give up." Leng Ye couldn't stop cheering himself up.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, Leng Ye almost dug the entire Virgo star soul three feet into the ground, but he still didn't find any changes. Although he wasn't disheartened yet, he became irritable.

Suddenly, Leng Ye had an idea: "This is the palace of the twelve stars, and there are many traps. The army of undead is so powerful that it should not be something that a mere Virgo star soul can guard, and it must have something to do with the other star souls. "

Thinking of this, suddenly enlightened.He called out Xiaobai and flew to the next constellation...

Xiaobai's speed is very fast, in less than 1 minute, he made a big circle in the Zodiac Palace.What made Leng Ye depressed was that he didn't find any protrusions.In desperation, Leng Ye had no choice but to use the lazy sword to detect one by one...

The hard work paid off, and finally, when Leng Ye was probing with the lazy sword at the star soul of Aquarius, a bulge suddenly appeared on the ground, and this bulge was exactly the same as the depression in Virgo before.

"Why did you come out?" Leng Ye was both surprised and delighted, and used the lazy sword to sense for a long time, but did not find any abnormality.

The time for the lazy sword to come out of its sheath is coming soon, Leng Ye has no self-abuse tendencies, he really doesn't want to try the lazy sword to devour the master, so he quickly put it back into the ice sword sheath to prevent his demonic nature from becoming violent.And he didn't go back, but went back and forth in the Zodiac Palace, thinking about the key and suspicious things...

Time flies, six hours passed quickly.Leng Ye had no choice but to use the lazy sword to detect the existence of the bulge before he found the crux of the problem.It may be that he was lucky. Within 8 minutes after the lazy sword was unsheathed this time, he finally found a bulge in the remaining ten positions.This raised position is exactly where the star soul of Cancer is located.

(End of this chapter)

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