Chapter 1313
After another six hours of boring and tedious waiting, the lazy sword was unsheathed again.I don't know if the sky is deliberately embarrassing Leng Ye, what makes him depressed is that it took nearly 4 minutes to sense the bulge just in the Scorpio.

Then, Leng Ye slapped Xiaobai's butt, and flew towards the direction of Gemini at a fast speed...

To Leng Ye's surprise and delight, as expected, the arrangement of the six constellations follows the five cycles in the opposite direction, and things went very smoothly. In less than 15 minutes, Leng Ye had already In Scorpio, Gemini, Capricorn and Leo, the lazy sword sensed the presence of bulges.

"Is the mechanism/array broken? Where is the exit of the undead army? What should I do next?" Leng Ye immediately realized this problem that he hadn't thought of because of nervousness before, and his heart was sweating wildly! ! !

"There are still 3 minutes. If you can't find the entrance, it will take another six hours." Leng Ye tried hard to think of a way, and while thinking about it, let Xiaobai alone give Xiaobai an order to patrol.

"Stop!" Leng Ye stopped in the center of the Zodiac Palace, carefully inspecting it, probing with the Lazy Sword.

The central disc still exists, but the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams diagram on it has disappeared.Now he is alone and unable to enter.However, Leng Ye didn't think there would be an army of undead inside.

1 minutes is fleeting.

"Five cycles?" These three words suddenly flashed in Leng Ye's mind, and he had an idea: "Cycle cycle, then no matter what, you have to complete a cycle! Even if it is a positive and negative, you have to complete a cycle! From Where did it come from, where did it go, so it should return to the Virgo Star Soul?" At that moment, Leng Ye slapped the tiger's buttocks and flew straight to the Virgo Star Soul.

"I'm looking for~ I'm looking for~ I'm looking for it like crazy; I'm looking for~ I'm looking for it~ I'm looking for it like crazy~" Leng Ye muttered, holding the lazy sword in his hand, quickly swipe and pull on the ground...

Maybe it was God's favor for Leng Ye. Just three seconds before the lazy sword returned to its sheath, the Virgo Star Soul site collapsed, and Leng Ye fell straight down before he could get out of the way.

"Xiaobai, do you fucking want to become a barbecue!" Leng Ye scolded, Xiaobai flew out, and honestly caught Leng Ye.

The top was pitch black, and the soil fell down with a clatter, but the bottom was bright.It may also be based on this reason, Xiaobai descended rapidly with Leng Ye on his back, the speed was much faster than the falling speed of the soil clod.

Leng Ye felt like he was in a space-time tunnel (seen on TV), falling rapidly, getting closer and closer to the light source below, but he was still nowhere to be seen.

"I still have to travel a few light years!" Leng Ye smiled wryly, entertaining himself.

Gradually, a burst of shouts came from Leng Ye's ears, mixed with the howls of monsters, the cries of children, or the swearing of women, it was extremely complicated.The sound became louder and louder, and gradually, Leng Ye recognized that it was the roar of a monster, but the feeling was still chaotic.

"Isn't it a warm welcome?"

Leng Ye's mind gradually began to fantasize about commanding the army of undead to start the Tokyo Massacre.

(End of this chapter)

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