Chapter 1314
I don't know how long it took, but when Leng Ye was about to fall asleep, he felt a piercing sound. When he looked up, he found that Xiao Bai had already landed.

What appeared in front of Leng Ye were men and women whose height was no more than six or seven feet. Judging from their demeanors, they were no good to a real person. They all had kind faces, definitely not like little devils.

"Could it be that this group of people came here for a mission?" Leng Ye shook his head, because he found that these people were all dressed in novice clothes, and the weapons in their hands were all novice primary equipment.Using divine apprehension techniques one by one, Leng Ye also saw their attributes.

Undead, all undead monsters! ! !Other attributes are unknown.

"There are such perfect undead monsters?" Leng Ye secretly admired.He saw that none of them had any intention of doing anything, so he was relieved.

"Young Xia Leng, thank you for saving me! We don't say thank you for your kindness! But we are only loyal to the First Emperor, and we only want to repent in front of the First Emperor."

And the leader is a middle-aged man with a goatee and dressed as a scholar.What he said made Leng Ye puzzled like Monk Zhang Er.

"The first emperor? It can't be Qin Shihuang, right?" Leng Ye suddenly thought of this, and he had an idea, and said, "The repentance you mentioned is because of leaving at the beginning? Could it be that you are Xu Fu?"

The middle-aged man was shocked, and he nodded after a long time, looked at Leng Ye in surprise, and asked, "Young Xia Leng, do you also know Emperor Shi Huang?"

"Haha!! For more than 2000 years, Emperor Shi Huang's reputation has spread far and wide, and everyone knows it. No one knows it. How could I not know it." Leng Ye laughed.

"Have you ever met Emperor Shihuang?" Xu Furen asked.

"No... of course, the First Emperor is underground in the Zhonghua District." Leng Ye wanted to tell the truth, but had an idea, and said so.He asked again: "Mr. Xu Fu, if I guessed correctly, this place should be under the Japanese underground cemetery! No matter what you say, you can be regarded as the ancestors of devils. How could they treat you like this."

"Cough~ It's hard to say! When I came out with [-] virgins and [-] virgins, although I was far away from my homeland, I never forgot the church of the first emperor. We always remember that we are the descendants of the dragon, and we followed the way of the first emperor. We live with the system. After we die, our children and grandchildren live comfortably on this land. I don’t know how many years have passed, and for some reason, a plague occurred on the island, and all the men died. At this time, a drifter named Wu Dalang came to the island. Although he was short, old and ugly, he was the only man on the island. In order for the people on the island to continue to live, Wu Dalang began to sow seeds... Although he was born My children are short in stature, but kind-hearted. I don’t know how many years later, a few blue-haired and blue-eyed guys who claimed to be missionaries came to this island. They spread a culture called capitalism to the island. It has completely changed the culture here. Capitalism kills people! Once it came, not long after, the people on the island became oblivious to their ancestors, disregarding etiquette, righteousness and shame, and completely changed the good habits and systems of the first emperor. Promiscuity, promiscuity , incest is rampant. The boys born are out of shape, and the girls are okay. But most of these girls become sluts when they grow up. I don’t know how long it took, but they still shoot A thing called AV video tapes spread all over the world, and they have returned to the era of naked animals. Also, they dared to launch a war against the descendants of the first emperor, and even created the tragic Nanjing Massacre. It was the heinous crime they committed. I have no face to face the first emperor! Leng Shaoxia, since you have seen the first emperor, you take me there! The five hundred and one of us will collectively commit suicide in front of the first emperor to atone for our sins. His forgiveness." Xu Fu said.

(End of this chapter)

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