Chapter 1316
Leng Ye has three pieces of Heshibi, Shuang'er and Shui Rulan each have one piece, adding up to five pieces, which can be resurrected ten times.With these five yuan, Leng Ye can endure ten times without dying.

Xu Fu shook his head and sighed: "The power of the Five Elements is astonishing. It can attack millions at every turn. Not to mention three moves, even one move is very invincible. Young Xia Leng, the curse is a curse of three moves, and I can't change it." .”

"Within a day, do you mean only 24 hours? Or is it a fixed period from midnight to midnight of the next day?" Leng Ye asked again.If it refers to the former, Leng Yeda can rely on two ten resurrections of five pieces of He's Bi (unless otherwise specified, the He's Bi mentioned in the article refers to one-ninth of He's Bi) to complete the task.

"It's the latter!" Xu Fu said without hesitation.

"Damn!" Leng Ye couldn't help being a little depressed, and said in his heart, "Don't say that Huang Hua only has a [-] (percentage) chance, even if he has a [-] (percentage) chance to resist, I can't guarantee that he will be able to resist in fifteen strokes." You can dodge five of them within a short period of time!"

"It would be great if I could have three pieces of He's Bi!" Leng Ye sighed.Saying this, even he himself felt greedy.

"Now I have two ways to go. First, leave here without rest, and come back when I can resist [-]% of the Wuxing attack, but this may be the first to be taken by others; second, there is a bet that does not necessarily lose, Take a gamble. Is it a gamble or a run?" Leng Ye's mind was spinning rapidly.

"Young Xia Leng, you go first! Since you can come here, Young Xia Leng, and you know the whereabouts of Emperor Shihuang, then even if others are willing to come here, we will definitely not leave with others, unless they can kill us , and take away our corpses," Xu Fu said.

"Who can kill this group of perverts who attack millions at every turn?" Leng Ye secretly smiled, and then thought again; "There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people beyond people. If there are enough people who come in, we must kill these perverts." It shouldn't be a difficult task, we must not let them sit here to die, it seems that we must take them out as soon as possible."

"Do I really want to be attacked by them fifteen times? It doesn't matter if you lose ten or eight levels five times, but you still can't take them out!"

"The lazy sword is in my hand. Without the lazy sword, they shouldn't be able to open the entrance to the 'Yasukuni Shrine' underground cemetery, right?"


"I was attacked by the five elements with fifteen moves, and I didn't say that I would not fight back!" Thinking of this, Leng Ye smiled, and said to Xu Fu: "Mr. Xu, can I fight back while the five elements are attacking?"

If Leng Ye could fight back, he could pull out the lazy sword and use the lazy sword to instantly kill two five-element warriors when its demonic nature was rampant. Although it would lose a few attacking firepower, it would allow Xu Fu and others to get out quickly.After all, the Sword Demon Empire is about to be established, and these people will be used when defending the city.

Xu Fu shook his head and said, "It wasn't mentioned in the curse, so according to my guess, it shouldn't be allowed."

Leng Ye was a little disappointed, he didn't want to try it, if the Wuxing Shi was killed in a second, and Xu Fu and others were wiped out as soon as they went out, it would be a waste of time.

(End of this chapter)

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