Chapter 1317
Leng Ye had an idea, and said again: "Mr. Xu, do the five elements make moves at the same time, or one by one?" From Leng Ye's point of view, if they make moves at the same time, they will die anyway, so five moves will become one move In this way, He's Bi only needs five times to be enough.

"They move one by one according to the method of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. As long as you are still alive after the earth envoy moves, then we can go out safely." Xu Fu said.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! What to do? What to do? What to do?" Leng Ye was completely depressed.

"I can still live after doing moves one by one? Doing moves one by one..." Leng Ye thought about these words repeatedly, and felt that there was something strange in them. His eyes lit up, and he said happily, "Mr. Xu, it shouldn't be a problem for me to dodge when Wuxing uses moves Bar!"

There was a bright smile on Leng Ye's face, it was because he thought that he had a teleportation skill.Using this skill, as long as the Five Elements Movement is slower than Leng Ye's thoughts, he can even get through the difficulties without losing a hair.

Unexpectedly, Xu Fu shook his head, and said again: "Young Xia Leng, you can't dodge. Someone must take fifteen blows from them without dodging to break the curse."

"Khan~~ This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, I'm at the end of my talents!" Leng Ye sat down on the ground, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

"Toughness (Wei Renzi) has completely turned into a woman, and its strength can probably withstand it. Anyway, Xu Fu will not leave with others. Can I let him in and lift the curse on Xu Fu and the others first?" ?” Leng Ye shook his head again, he was worried about an accident, he was worried that Shenwu Rokuro and Jian Jian might play some tricks.

"Someone must take fifteen moves from them without dodging to break the curse... Someone must take fifteen moves from them without dodging to break the curse..." Leng Ye thought repeatedly about Xu Fu Then, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he thought: "In the whole world, there are probably not many people who can withstand a million attacks in a normal state without dying. But in a special state! Haha! Isn't the ultimate defense counted as one? Haha! Shuang'er Both Lan Lan and Lan Lan have the ultimate defense, so it will be much simpler."

At that moment, Leng Ye told Xu Fu his thoughts, unexpectedly Xu Fu said: "Young Xia Leng, you can't! This curse clearly stipulates that the defense must be broken, and the five elements can't break the ultimate defense at all, so it will not be recognized."

"Pets are one with people in battle. Little Sun has [-] million lives and [-] million attacks, so there shouldn't be any problem?" Thinking of this, Leng Ye expressed this idea to Xu Fu again.However, Xu Fu's answer was no.

At that moment, Leng Ye turned the avatar bracelet, pointed to the three avatars and said, "Mr. Xu, they are all my physical avatars, do you think it is okay?"

"The curse clearly stipulates that it can only be used as the main body, and the avatar is invalid." Xu Fu disappointed Leng Ye again.

"How many regulations does this curse have?" Leng Ye was very depressed, and the hopes that had just been ignited in his heart were shattered one by one.

"It seems impossible for me to bear these fifteen moves alone, and I'm afraid it's impossible to find someone to replace it. If there is a holy-level priest who can be resurrected here, it will be fine. His/her resurrection It can continuously revive people without loss, but such a priest probably hasn't appeared yet, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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