Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1325 Five Color Command Order

Chapter 1325 Colorful Command Order (2)
Looking at his own attributes, combined with the encounters these days, Leng Ye secretly decided to try his best to upgrade "Yellow", "North Pole Sword Art" and "Sword Bullet" to the advanced level before the establishment of the Sword Demon Empire, and even try to improve his reputation if possible. Improve and strive to comprehend the ninth form of Dugu Nine Swords as soon as possible.That's because Leng Ye absolutely believes that the pressure of defending the city of the Sword Demon Empire as a first-tier empire is unprecedented, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear.At that time, the glorious task of fighting the boss may fall on him again.

He vaguely felt that the current 48 gang members of Sword Demon God Palace would be just a drop in the bucket to defend the city in the near future, and he couldn't help but want other gangs to help. However, he felt that he was really worrying too much. He knew very well that This kind of thing Jindao and Luobaizi would never want to be behind him.

After closing the attribute panel, Leng Ye checked the ring of space again.Looking at it, he was surprised to find that there was a gleaming five-color token inside, and what was even more gratifying was that the species color of the token was exactly the same as the five colors of the gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and crows.

"This should be the command order rewarded by the system. Isn't it a five-color order?" Leng Ye hurriedly took out the token to check, and then, the attributes of the token were presented in front of him.

Five-color command order: There are gold, wood, water, fire, and earth colors, and each color can command the corresponding crow team to carry out all activities within its ability.

Leng Ye saw that there were five tokens of a few sizes stuck in the five-color order, and he took off a golden one to have a look, and then, the attributes of the tokens were presented before his eyes.

Golden Cailing of Five-Colored Command Order: You can issue orders to the Golden Crow alone, and you can command the Golden Crow team to carry out all activities.When the Jincai order and the Wucai command conflict, the Golden Crow team obeys the Wucai command.

"In this way, not only can the crow team be brought out of Jianzhong Mountain, but also other people can take the crow team to various missions! Haha!!" Seeing the five-color command order, Leng Ye laughed again.

Leng Ye and the girls crushed the scroll of returning to the city, and after a burst of white light, they appeared at the resurrection point of Sword Demon City.

"Hey~~Honey, what do you think there are so many people doing together?" Huo Huo called.

Following the direction of Mars' finger, Leng Ye found that many people were chattering around and didn't know what they were doing?
"Since when is there an acrobatic troupe in Sword Demon City?" Leng Ye smiled, still couldn't help being driven by curiosity, and walked towards the crowd.

"The guild master is here, everyone hurry up and get out of the way." Someone in the crowd yelled, and then, the crowd gave way to a wide road that could accommodate two cars side by side.

Looking at the crowd on both sides of the aisle, Leng Ye felt a sense of honor, however, he was more uncomfortable. Facing so many people, he suddenly forgot how to set his feet.

"Okay, everyone hurry up to level up! The empire will be established in a few days, and you have to defend the city." Leng Ye gave an order, and those people quickly dispersed, and even the quintuplet sisters disappeared. .

Wherever he looked, Leng Ye saw a familiar figure riding on a long-haired dog.This dog is tall and mighty, all in black, the black is shiny, and there is no stray hair.Without seeing the other party's face, Leng Ye couldn't remember who the dog's owner was for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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