Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1326 Five Color Command Order

Chapter 1326 Colorful Command Order (3)
"There are many people who take dogs as pets, but not many people take dogs as mounts! No wonder they attract attention." Leng Ye couldn't help laughing.

When the dog's head turned around, Leng Ye saw the dog's owner, who turned out to be Yuan Zhiai, and thought, "I'm afraid he is the only one in the Zodiac team who likes to show off and twitter!"

"Master, you're here! Let's see how my Xiaotian dog is doing? It's very cool!" Yuan Zhiai blurted out.

"Shoutian dog? Apart from being taller and fatter, this dog has nothing special!" Leng Ye shook his head and said.He just wanted to rub the spirit of Yuan Zhi'ai and let him restrain himself in everything.In all fairness, this dog is majestic and truly extraordinary.

"Master, I know you have a mount of a magic beast and a pet of a super magic beast, but you can't hit me like this! Anyway, my Roaring Dog is also a super monster!" Yuan Zhiai looked smug.

"Super demonic beast?" Leng Ye was startled, and said in his heart: "Many of my pet summons are divine beasts, super divine beasts, magic beasts, and super magical beasts. Only Xiao Ba, the void summoner, is a super demonic beast. I love this kid who is fooling around, he doesn't look like he has the strength to fight against super monsters, how did he do it?"

Before Leng Ye could open his mouth, Yuan Zhiai, like Mrs. Xianglin, began to show off: "Master, to tell you the truth, I have always been dissatisfied with the law of conservation in games. Think about it, in the game , we can eat and drink as much as we want, but we didn't excrete, you must think it's weird, boss? So, just yesterday, I went to Wanshou Mountain to find a place where no one was around to make it easier. I won't try I don’t know, I was shocked when I tried it, I never thought it would be possible, and, that feeling... that feeling is really good..."

Leng Ye felt vaguely disgusted, and hurriedly said: "Xiao Ai, if you want to say something to me, just get straight to the point, don't mess with these useless things."

"Master, I want to tell you the origin of the Xiaotian dog, just wait for me to come slowly." Yuan Zhiai coughed, and said again: "Just when I was about to 'call it off', I don't know where I came from at this time. A big dog came crookedly. I knew it was hungry when I saw it, so I quickly got out of the way and let it have a full meal. "Dogs can't change eating shit", this is true at all, you don't know it eats shit. How fragrant! Tsk tsk! I never thought that this dog is the legendary Roaring Dog, and it is also a dog that can talk. "The grace of dripping water is repaid by the spring", although Roaring Dog is a super monster , but I also know how to repay it. Because I accidentally saved its life, it became my mount willingly. Not only that, when I dripped blood on it, the system actually rewarded me with a hidden Occupation scroll. With this scroll, I actually became the legendary God Erlang full-time... Ahhh... Now I am the descendant of God Erlang."

"If you're unlucky, you'll get your teeth clogged if you drink cold water! If you're lucky, you'll get rich if you poop! This world is really amazing." Leng Ye smiled wryly.

"Guangzhu, let me show you my professional move~~Human and dog are one!" As soon as Yuan Zhiai finished speaking, a puff of black smoke rose around him.After the black smoke passed, a guy with the head of a dog appeared inside.

(End of this chapter)

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