Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1332 Arctic Sword Art

Chapter 1332 Arctic Sword Art
Arctic swordsmanship: the unique swordsmanship of the descendants of Polaris, with a total of [-] levels, divided into [-] moves.Currently level [-], available sword moves:

[-].Fighting Star Shift (the sword move that appears when the Arctic swordsmanship is upgraded to level [-], there is a [-] (percent sign) chance to feed back the enemy's attack to the enemy with [-] times the value, and it does not suffer any damage. Attack a single target, shoot Time [-] seconds, endurance consumption [-]);
[-].Liang Feng Lai Yi (a combination of two moves that appears when Arctic swordsmanship is upgraded to level [-], you can choose any combination of two single sword moves. To attack a single target, the shooting time is [-] seconds, and the endurance consumption is [-]);
[-].Three strengths and two weaknesses (the three-movement combination swordsmanship that appears when the arctic swordsmanship is upgraded to level [-], you can choose any three single sword move combinations. To attack a single target, the shooting time is [-] seconds, and the endurance consumption is [-]);
[-].Besieged on all sides (the four-movement combination sword technique that appears when the arctic swordsmanship is upgraded to level [-], you can choose any four single sword move combinations. You can attack up to four targets, the shooting time is [-] seconds, and the endurance consumption is [-]);
[-].Five horses split corpses (five-movement combination swordsmanship that appears when the arctic swordsmanship is upgraded to level [-], you can choose five single sword move combinations at will. You can attack up to five targets, the shooting time is [-] seconds, and the endurance consumption is [-]);
[-].Six relatives do not recognize (the six-movement combination swordsmanship that appears when the arctic swordsmanship is upgraded to level [-], you can choose six single swordsmanship combinations at will, the power is huge, and how many wounds you can hurt. Attack six targets, the shooting time is [-] seconds, and the endurance consumption [-]);
[-].Seven ups and downs (the seven-movement combination swordsmanship that appears when the arctic swordsmanship is upgraded to level [-], you can choose seven single sword move combinations at will, attack a single target, the shooting time is [-] seconds, and the endurance consumption is [-])

[-].Wind from Eight Sides (the eight-movement combination swordsmanship that appears when the arctic swordsmanship is upgraded to level [-], you can choose any eight single sword move combinations to attack a wide range of targets, the shooting time is [-] seconds, and the endurance consumption is [-]).

Every time the North Pole Star is upgraded, the number of North Pole Sword Moves will be increased by the number of North Pole Stars.Conditions for using Arctic swordsmanship: Only in the Arctic region before the Polaris star reaches level [-]; after the Polaris star reaches level [-], there is no regional restriction.

Leng Ye never imagined that the sword moves that can be used after the Arctic sword technique is upgraded are all combined sword moves, and they are any combination of two or more single sword moves.Aside from other things, just one of the eight-faced wind is enough to combine the first eight moves of Dugu Nine Swords, so that in group battles, Leng Ye can face enemies of different professions at the same time.

The fly in the ointment is that even if the Arctic swordsmanship reaches the top level, the probability of turning the stars is still [-] (percentage sign), which has not changed at all.

"It would be great if every combination of sword moves in the Arctic swordsmanship also has the effect of star shifting." Leng Ye thought so, and suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he said happily: "I just need to combine every combination of sword moves It’s not enough to add Dou Zhuan Xing Yi in it.”

"Where is there a strange killer?" Leng Ye looked around, but did not find a strange figure.At this time, he couldn't wait to try the "wind from all directions" again.

"There are monsters in Beiji Cave and Beidou Cave, but they are all my subordinates, no!" Leng Ye denied this idea.At the same time, he also thought of another reminder from the system, and immediately took out the Arctic Token.

Arctic Order: With this order, you can command all monsters in the Arctic Cave.

"Haha! These monsters can finally go out." Leng Yexi said.Suddenly, his laughter stopped abruptly, and he murmured: "How could this be? How could this be?"

The reason why Leng Ye is depressed is that this is just an order of the Arctic, which can only command the monsters in the Arctic Cave, but what about the monsters in the Beidou Cave?

"Humph Leopard appears!" Leng Ye shouted sharply holding the Arctic Token.

As soon as Leng Ye's words fell, a white light flashed in front of him, and then He Heng Leopard appeared in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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