Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1333 Arctic Team

Chapter 1333 Arctic Team
"Mr. Xing!" Seeing Leng Ye, Heng He Bao hurriedly knelt down and saluted.

Leng Ye nodded, and then, holding the Arctic Token, he shouted sharply: "The Big Dipper has appeared! The Big Dipper has appeared..." However, no matter how much he shouted, the Big Dipper still did not appear.

"Xingjun, do you want me to bring the Big Dipper?" Seeing Leng Ye's anxious look, Heng He Bao took the initiative to ask for a job.

Leng Ye shook his head and said, "Isn't the Beidou Cave under the command of the Beidou Cave? Why is this Arctic order still ineffective against the Big Dipper Seven Bears?"

"Mr. Xing, although the Big Dipper Cave belongs to the North Pole Cave, it belongs to two completely different magnetic fields from the North Pole Cave, so when you summon the North Pole Command, Mr. Xing, they won't be able to hear them at all," Humph Leopard said.

"You mean that as long as they all go to the Arctic Cave, then they can obey the command of the Arctic Order?" Leng Ye asked.

"Yes Xingjun! As long as the Big Dipper and the Bears leave the Big Dipper Cave, no matter where they are, they can hear the call of the North Pole Order." Humph Leopard replied.

There are seven small holes in the Beidou Cave, and the total number of monsters inside is twice that of the Arctic Cave. If they are to obey the command of the Arctic Order at any time, they must all live in the Arctic Cave. The monsters are full of troubles, and it is inevitable to fight and kill.

"The Big Dipper seven bears can only carry out some normal activities such as resting in the Big Dipper Cave. Is there any way to get the best of both worlds so that they can hear the orders of the North Pole at any time?" Leng Ye said to himself.

"Mr. Xing, the method is actually very simple. As long as each monster in the Arctic Cave donates a drop of blood on the Arctic Token, they can obey the summon at any time." Humph Leopard said.

"Oh?" Leng Ye was startled, and looked at He Heng Leopard in surprise.

"Mr. Xing, that's really the case! Do you want me to collect blood for you now?" Humph Leopard said.

"Okay! Hurry up and come back! After you finish, I will reward Xingjun a lot." Leng Ye laughed.

Looking at the back of Hum Hem Leopard going away, Leng Ye couldn't help feeling an inexplicable pleasure in his heart, thinking: "I can only command the Crow and Arctic teams in a day, and I can be regarded as the No.1 in the game." Yes. The crow team is led by colorful blood crows. Although there are only 9000 monsters, it is a beast team, and it cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary. The Arctic team is different. Once the number is large enough, there are 10 monsters. One is that besides the divine beasts, the other [-] or so are all immortal beasts, their strength can be strong or weak, and even if they die in battle, they don't feel bad; secondly, even the Arctic team, at this stage, they should have no problem with one against ten, I am afraid they are sufficient for any party of [-] men."

When Leng Ye didn't pay attention for a while, Heheng Leopard came back, holding a pot of dirty liquid in its hand.The liquid gave off a fishy smell, so it goes without saying that it was blood.

"Mr. Xing, just put the Arctic Token in the basin and absorb all the blood." Heng He Bao said.

"En!" Leng Ye nodded.Just when he was about to put the Arctic Token into his blood basin, he inadvertently noticed a sly look flashed by Hum Hem Leopard's seriousness.

"There's a ghost!" Leng Ye realized this immediately, and while continuing to take the Arctic Token in his unhurried manner, he secretly performed a magic trick on the Humphing Leopard.

Leng Ye was startled as soon as the Divine Appreciation Technique came out.Under the Divine Appreciation Technique, Leng Ye saw that the "Hurting Leopard" in front of him turned out to be a player from the French area, and its name indicated Pilxon.

"TNND French devils, you actually tricked me. There is a way to heaven if you don't go, and there is no way to hell to break in! You want to die!" Leng Ye cursed secretly, quickly put away the Arctic order, and then, in his hand There is an extra ordinary long sword.

"Two phoenixes come to the instrument!" As soon as Leng Ye thought, the words "please choose the sword move" appeared in front of his eyes.Without hesitation, Leng Ye chose the "Breaking Sword Style" and "Wrath of the God of War" two sword moves with his mind.Immediately afterwards, the long sword in his hand pierced Pierxon's chest at a fast speed.Just when the long sword was about to stab Pierxon, suddenly, a phantom of the long sword flew out of the long sword, stabbing at Pierxon's head with lightning speed.

Pirksson turned his body and avoided the attack of the broken sword. However, he could not avoid the attack of the Wrath of God of War with tracking ability.As the phantom of the long sword stabbed down, two holes appeared on his head in an instant, and his brains splattered everywhere, which was horrible.About a second later, with a burst of white light floating, Pirkesson went to see Hades.

The whole process took no more than two seconds, and what Leng Ye saw was thrilling.He didn't expect that Pirksson could escape the fatal blow of the broken sword, and he didn't expect that under the two phoenixes, the long sword could turn into a phantom, and this phantom had the same power as the sword itself. Instantly kill the enemy.

Generally speaking, Leng Ye is still very satisfied. So far, he has also guessed the general situation of other sword moves of the Arctic Sword Art.

Just at this time, a Humphing Leopard came, also holding a blood basin, which was almost exactly the same as the one that Pilxon had changed before.

Leng Ye didn't act impulsively, and as usual used the magic technique to determine the true identity of the Heming Leopard.

"Boss, as long as you hold the North Pole Token in your hand, it can automatically absorb the blood of the Big Dipper monster." Humph Leopard said.

"Yeah!" Leng Ye nodded, and took out the Arctic Token casually.

In an instant, the Arctic order absorbed all the blood in the blood basin, and it also changed from pure white to purple black.Then, Leng Ye heard the system beep again.

System prompt: Congratulations to Leng Ye for upgrading the Arctic Token, which can control all monsters in the Arctic Cave and Beidou Cave. Please name the monster army.

"North Pole Team!" Leng Ye blurted out, and then he smiled happily.

(End of this chapter)

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