Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1334 The Arctic Little Iceman

Chapter 1334 The Arctic Little Iceman (1)
The night in the Arctic is really not ordinary cold.There is still some time before dawn, and Leng Ye has no plans to go back immediately, and desperately wants to exercise to relax himself.After all, in the future, we will face all kinds of bad weather, climate and other harsh conditions in the future.Of course, Leng Yeye wouldn't be so stupid as to just waste his energy by running. For him, the best way was to fight monsters.

"Humph Leopard, do you know where there are crowds of monsters around here?" Leng Ye asked tentatively.

"Jun Xing, there are in Beiji Cave and Beidou Cave!" Humph Leopard replied immediately.

"Sweat!!! I want to fight monsters and practice my skills, so why don't I kill you?" Leng Ye said depressedly.

"Ah!! Xingjun, according to this, there are a group of little icemen fifty miles north, and they have some problems with us, you can use them to vent your anger." Humph Leopard said.

"Well! I see. You go back! Don't walk around if you have nothing to do." Leng Ye said.

"Yes, Xingjun!" Heng He Bao said and left.

Leng Ye called out Xiao Bai, rode on it, and within a short while, he had traveled fifty or sixty miles away.

"Stop! Stop!" Leng Ye grabbed the rein, restrained Xiao Bai, and stopped in the air.Looking down, Leng Ye found densely packed little red dots. After a closer look, he found that they were snowmen wearing red hats. He thought, "This should be the little iceman that Hum Hem Leopard talked about!"

Leng Ye found that these little icemen were not moving at all, and thought to himself: "The little icemen can't move, so how can they have a problem with Hem Hem Leopard? It's probably because Hem Hem Leopards are bullying the little Icemen!" To be cautious, Leng Ye still Unleashed the Divine Appreciation Technique on the little iceman.

As soon as the Divine Appreciation Technique came out, the attributes of the Little Iceman appeared in front of Leng Ye's eyes.

Little Iceman: middle-level red-grade fairy beast, non-living monster, attack [-], defense [-] million, life [-] million, speed [-], skill: throwing snowball (throws an exploding snowball to attack the enemy, attack range [-] meters, great power); life recovery (restore the life of the little iceman [-] (percentage sign) every second).

"Defense [-] million!!!" Leng Ye was shocked.He has seen quite a few monsters with high life, but this is the first time he has seen a monster with such a high defense.With such a strong defense, the little iceman is much more difficult to fight than a divine beast with [-] million lives alone.

If it's just that, it's fine. What surprised Leng Ye even more is that the little iceman actually has a snowball throwing skill with an effective attack range of [-] meters. Let alone the power, the attack range of [-] meters is not ordinary. as far as archers can reach.This skill is no different from a grenade. I am afraid that most people will be blown to pieces before they can enter its attack range.

The only thing that comforts Leng Ye is that Little Iceman's basic attack and speed are [-].The basic attack is [-], which means that there is no great danger after approaching the little ice man or going around behind the little ice man; the speed is [-], which means that if you can't beat it, you can still run.

(End of this chapter)

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