Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1336 The Arctic Little Iceman

Chapter 1336 The Arctic Little Iceman (3)
"It would be great if the defense of the little iceman was lower." Leng Ye said to himself.

Suddenly, Leng Ye had an idea, and thought, "You can use skills! There are so many skills that increase attack, I don't believe that I can't break the defense of the little iceman."

Soon, Leng Ye thought of using the sword move in the arctic swordsmanship to attack the little iceman.In view of the requirement of patience, Leng Ye first chose "Two Phoenix Laiyi".As for which combination of two sword moves to use in the Two Feng Lai Yi, Leng Ye really put in a lot of effort, because if you choose a sword move that is too powerful, it will consume too much patience, and if you choose a sword move that is not strong, it will not be able to break Xiaobing man's defense.

In the end, Leng Ye chose to use the Wrath of the God of War with sword bullets to try to attack the little iceman.

Leng Ye made a stray step, and quickly came to the back of the little iceman. With a wave of the long sword in his hand, he used the two phoenixes as soon as his thoughts came out. Since he had specified the combination of sword moves in advance, he saw that the long sword was as fast as it could be. He stabbed the little Iceman's back accurately and ruthlessly. At the same time, a phantom flying out of the long sword flew into the sky in the blink of an eye, and slammed down on the little Iceman's head with lightning speed. The department fired a series of small balls one after another.Having learned the lesson from last time, Leng Ye didn't stay too long, and jumped ten meters away as soon as he made the sword move.Looking back, a large snowball was flying towards this side, and it exploded less than ten meters away from the little ice man.As soon as the snowball exploded, countless skates flew out, hitting in all directions since the explosion.Fortunately, the ice blade did not fly ten meters away from the little iceman, otherwise Leng Ye would have to die again.

The power of the two Feng Laiyi is really amazing, no, to be precise, the power of the Wrath of the God of War is really amazing. Leng Ye clearly saw the moment when the long sword stabbed the little iceman, and with the wrath of the God of War, five bloody holes were formed. Appeared, more than 840 million scarlet letters floated on Little Iceman's body, obviously breaking the defense.As usual, the sword bullet's damage to the little Iceman would not break the defense.

Leng Ye quickly opened the attribute panel and looked at the three skills "Huanghua", "Spiritual Snake Sword" and "Sword Bullet".What made him happy was that Huang Hua and Ling Snake Jianyi both increased their skill experience by one thousandth, while Sword Bullet increased by [-] (percent).

"How come there are so many? Is it a special place in the North Pole? Or is it the specialness of the little iceman? I didn't rise so fast when I was fighting the beast before!" Leng Ye was both happy and surprised. As for why this happened, he had no way of knowing, let alone No one came to take the initiative to tell.

What made Leng Ye even more gratified was that the combination of sword bullets and God of War's wrath used by Liangfeng Laiyi only consumed [-] of the patience that Liangfeng Laiyi needed.You know, using Sword Bullet alone requires [-] patience, but using War God's Wrath alone requires [-] patience!

The sword bullet has a cooling time of 1 minute, and one second is enough to recover the two points of patience consumed.For Leng Ye, it would be a waste of time to wait for the remaining [-] seconds.At that moment, Leng Ye called out Xiaobai, rode on it, and flew along the periphery of the Iceman's range, hoping to find the mixed area of ​​the Iceman and other monsters, so that he could practice his skills faster.

The cool breeze is blowing, and thousands of miles are frozen.

(End of this chapter)

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