Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1337 The Arctic Little Iceman

Chapter 1337 The Arctic Little Iceman (4)
Leng Ye rode Xiaobai flying and flying, past a piece of little icemen, and ushered in a new piece of little icemen, even though Xiaobai was fast, he still couldn't escape from the world of little icemen.

"The North Pole is huge. Polar bears, arctic leopards, arctic lions, arctic elephants, and arctic penguins are all there... Uh... it seems that the penguins are from the Antarctic. Where did they all die? Why are there only these perverted ice bumps?" Leng Yeyue I am getting more and more confused, and more and more depressed.

"Ah!! No, the little iceman below seems to be moving!" Leng Ye hurriedly stopped Xiaobai and rubbed his eyes.Indeed, he found that the little icemen below were like robots, some took square steps, some danced in circles, some played and played, and some lay on their backs with their feet in the air.

Leng Ye observed carefully and found that these little icemen were almost exactly the same as the previous ones, the only difference was that the feet of these little icemen in front of them could move.

"Is this still the Little Iceman?" At that moment, Leng Ye used the Divine Appraisal Technique on the few below one by one.Soon, their attributes appeared before Leng Ye's eyes.

Little Iceman: low-level red-grade fairy beast, non-living monster, attack [-], defense [-], life [-] million, speed [-], skill: throwing snowball (throws an exploding snowball to attack the enemy, the attack range is [-] meters , great power); life recovery (restore the life of the little iceman [-] (percentage sign) every second).

Little Iceman: middle-level red-pink fairy beast, non-living monster, attack [-] million, defense [-], life [-] million, speed [-], skill: snowball throwing (throws an exploding snowball to attack the enemy, attack range [-] meters, great power); life recovery (restore the life of the little iceman [-] (percentage sign) every second).

Little Iceman: High-level red-grade fairy beast, non-living monster, attack [-], defense [-] million, life [-], speed [-], skill: throwing snowball (throws an exploding snowball to attack the enemy, attack range [-] meters, great power); life recovery (restore the life of the little iceman [-] (percentage sign) every second).

Little Iceman: middle-level red-grade fairy beast, non-living monster, attack [-] million, defense [-] million, life [-] million, speed [-], skill: snowball throwing (throws an exploding snowball to attack the enemy, attack range [-] meters, great power); life recovery (restore the life of the little iceman [-] (percentage sign) every second).

Little Iceman: High-level red-grade fairy beast, non-living monster, attack [-], defense [-] million, life [-] million, speed [-] million, skill: throwing snowball (throws an exploding snowball to attack the enemy, attack range [-] meters, average power); life recovery (recover the life of the little iceman [-] (percentage sign) every second).


"How could this happen? The same little iceman, why is there such a big gap!" Leng Ye broke out in a cold sweat, and almost didn't fall off Xiaobai's body.

"Monsters with the same appearance and name have completely different attributes, and they are very different. Just imagine, an archer can attack a little iceman with [-] million attacks, [-] million defenses, [-] lives, and a speed of [-]. As long as he can Breaking through the defense of the little iceman, he can easily pass in seconds. However, if he can't understand all the characteristics of the little iceman in advance, then he is likely to deal with a little iceman with a speed of [-], so he is overwhelmed It's gone." Leng Ye secretly sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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