Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1338 The Arctic Little Iceman

Chapter 1338 The Arctic Little Iceman (5)
"Although the little icemen have the same name and the same appearance, in fact these little icemen are no longer the same kind of monster. If I didn't have the magic skill in my hand, I would definitely regard them as the same kind of monster , will naturally kill them in the same way, that way, I’m afraid I won’t know how I died. If they are all dressed in different coats, then the player will definitely be on guard and prepared when fighting. If it is done like this, it will make it impossible for players to guard against it. It seems that we must pay attention in the future!" Leng Ye looked up to the sky and sighed.

"I hope there will be fewer monsters like Little Iceman in the future." Leng Ye prayed secretly.

Naturally, Leng Ye wouldn't be so stupid as to go straight down and deal with these little icemen of varying strengths but they were all very strong, slapped the tiger's ass, and flew straight ahead...

Unknowingly, the sky had already dawned, Xiaobai was still galloping over the North Pole, while Leng Ye fell asleep lying on the back of the tiger.

ding ding ding...

A piercing beeping sound awakened Leng Ye from his deep sleep.

"Which one?" Leng Ye's eyes were hazy, and he connected directly without looking at who it was.

Immediately, Shuang'er's voice came from over there: "Honey, I spent [-] million to buy you a good thing, come back soon!" Hearing the voice, the little girl was very excited.

"What good things does [-] million Wanneng have!" Leng Ye hung up the beeper. He wanted to sleep for a while, but he couldn't wait for the good things Shuang'er said, so he crushed the scroll to return to the city.

(End of this chapter)

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