Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1365 SSS-level task of the Vatican

Chapter 1365 SSS-level task of the Vatican (18)
General Xiaomi was still sitting upright, and he winked at the guard on the right, who came to Leng Ye and took the letter away.General Xiaomi received the letter from the guards and before he opened it, he said to Leng Ye: "Young Xia Leng, please sit down."

Leng Ye followed the direction of General Xiaomi's finger and saw that there was only one chair left in the hall except General Xiaomi, and he was overjoyed: "It seems that General Xiaomi really treats me as a guest, and this trip was not in vain." He Smiling, sat down on the chair.

When Leng Ye just sat down, General Xiaomi suddenly exclaimed: "Lucas's letter! It's really Lucas!" The joy in his heart was unspeakable in the exclamation.

As soon as General Xiaomi spoke, everyone in the palace started talking.Leng Ye didn't understand what they were talking about, but found that they were all as excited as General Xiaomi.

At this time, Leng Ye realized that most of the people in the audience were familiar faces who had met him in the martial arts arena, as well as Captain Muke.Only the four near the front of the hall were never seen by Leng Ye, but Leng Ye had already guessed their identities.

Suddenly, General Xiaomi made a pause gesture, and then, the whole hall fell silent.Afterwards, General Xiaomi turned his head to Leng Ye and asked, "Excuse me, Young Xia Leng, how is sister She?"

"Sister She? Could it be that Lucas is General Xiaomi's younger sister?" Leng Ye was startled, and then thought: "It seems that this time I am in danger!!! What should I do? What should I do??"

"Young Xia Leng?" General Xiaomi looked at Leng Ye in surprise.At this moment, everyone's eyes in the palace fell on Leng Ye.

"General Xiaomi, to be honest, Lucas is dead. She offended Empress Nuwa and was struck to death by lightning. The letter in your hand was given to me when she was dying." Leng Ye somewhat Panicked, for fear of offending General Xiaomi, he spoke half-truthfully.

"Ah!" General Xiaomi's face suddenly darkened.

In an instant, General Xiaomi's face was ashen, his eyes were lifeless, his mood was extremely depressed, and there was no trace of the majesty of a general on his face.After all, the feeling of such a big event as the death of a sister is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.He was considered strong-willed if he didn't faint immediately.

Look again, in the palace, except for General Xiaomi, his subordinates all look like dead parents, with no blood on their faces.

"Although I didn't kill Lucas, but he died because of me. If General Xiaomi finds out, I won't be able to leave here alive." Leng Ye's mind was spinning rapidly, and he even felt a little regretful. Tell General Xiaomi about Lucas' death.

At this moment, General Xiaomi suddenly cursed: "Nuwa, you silly old woman, you killed my cousin, I must avenge her!"

"He dared to scold Empress Nuwa, he would definitely..." Leng Ye muttered with a laugh.He wanted to say that there would be lightning strikes, but before he finished speaking, he saw a series of lightning strikes on the top of General Xiaomi's head.

"Don't die!" Leng Ye shouted loudly.In fact, the life and death of General Xiaomi is not important to Leng Ye. The reason why he shouted this out of desperation is because if General Xiaomi dies, the SSS level mission may be completely terminated.

(End of this chapter)

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