Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1366 SSS-level task of the Vatican

Chapter 1366 SSS-level task of the Vatican (19)
To Leng Ye's surprise, as soon as the lightning hit General Xiaomi's head, he ran up the "lightning rod" erected on the helmet. When the lightning rod reached the end, the lightning sent out crackling sparks. It disappeared after a while.

A total of nine bolts of lightning struck from the sky, each more powerful than the last. However, as soon as they touched General Xiaomi's body, they were dispelled one by one by the tall and thin lightning rod on top of his head.

Leng Ye knew that every bolt of lightning had the power to instantly kill a divine beast.But what he never expected was that there are still people in this world who can survive under the nine bolts of lightning, and they are still safe and sound.Leng Ye was shocked to see the whole process. At this moment, he somewhat understood why the lemur queen (Lucas) would open her mouth to scold Empress Nuwa.

At this moment, Leng Ye was a little thankful that he did not swear an oath with General Xiaomi in front of Empress Nuwa, otherwise, it would be tantamount to shooting himself in the foot.At this moment, Leng Ye had to re-examine General Xiaomi again.As soon as the Divine Appraisal Technique came out, he heard the system's beep.

System prompt: The level of Divine Appraisal is too low to peep.

"The level of Divine Appreciation is still low?" Upon hearing this sentence, Leng Ye was completely stunned.You know, this skill can see the attributes of the magic beast six-winged flying tiger king!

"Who the hell is General Xiaomi? Could it be that he is really higher than the beast?" Leng Ye was puzzled.However, when the scene of General Xiaomi's unmoved under the nine bolts of lightning appeared again in his mind, Leng Ye began to want him as much as Nuwa Niang.

From Leng Ye's point of view, even if General Xiaomi's strength is lower than Empress Nuwa's, it will not be much lower.

"In the real world, the Vatican is the center of Jesus Christ, where their pope lives. In the game, there is no guarantee that there will be a pope, such a nearly invincible existence. After the monsters become intelligent, there is no guarantee that the pope will not They will instigate the hidden Christians all over the world to act recklessly..." Thinking of this, Leng Ye couldn't help but feel worried.

Just when Leng Ye fell into reverie, General Xiaomi suddenly said: "Young Xia Leng, thank you! Thank you!"

Leng Ye thought: "Lucas died because of me, I only sent the letter to find out the whereabouts of Zhaxisi, but now he came to thank me, haha!" He felt ashamed in his heart, but he said repeatedly: "This is what I should do! This is what I should do..."

Unexpectedly, General Xiaomi said: "Young Xia Leng, the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder of Nu Wa's silly old lady is really powerful. There are no more than three people in the world who can withstand the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder. And you are not afraid of offending the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder at a critical moment." Wa'er is concerned about my comfort, which shows that you are sincere to this general. Tell me, what you want, this general will definitely satisfy."

Leng Ye chuckled, and said: "The general is blessed by nature, and all the disciples belong to him. It is really an honor for me to serve the general. I dare not ask for the general's reward. However, since the general has spoken, I have no choice but to be disrespectful. I Look at that hat on the general's head..."

Before Leng Ye finished speaking, he felt a strong murderous aura surrounding him from all directions in the palace...

(End of this chapter)

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