Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1371 SSS-level task of the Vatican

Chapter 1371 SSS-level task of the Vatican (24)
"I don't dare to neglect Leng Ye when I'm working for General Xiaomi. If the general has nothing else to do, I'll go to the United States to help you find out Tashisi's whereabouts." Leng Ye looked at General Xiaomi and said sincerely.Invisibly, Leng Ye emphasized that he was working for General Xiaomi, unknowingly making him worthy of his favor.

"Young Xia Leng, thank you very much! It's just that this road must be extremely dangerous, Young Xia Leng must be more careful! Take this, it will help you on this trip to some extent." General Xiaomi took out a piece of dark blue from his arms. The colorful jade pendant was handed over to Leng Ye.

"Heshibi!" Leng Ye almost screamed out.He took the dark blue jade pendant, no need to look at the attributes, just look at the shape.Both the shape and the pattern reveal the temptation of He's Bi.

"Thank you, General Xiaomi, I'll go now." Leng Ye was afraid that General Xiaomi would repent, so he hurriedly closed the door with a "sesame".After taking General Xiaomi's permission, he crushed the scroll to return to the city.

With a flash in front of his eyes, Leng Ye appeared at the teleportation point of Sword Demon City.

"I found out the whereabouts of Zhaxisi, and got another piece of Heshibi, plus a purple gold lightning helmet from the melting pot. It was a worthwhile trip!" Leng Ye breathed a long sigh of relief, stretched his waist, and suddenly felt Refreshed.

"What are we going to do now?" Instead of rushing to find Zhaxisi, Leng Ye felt bored instead.After much deliberation, Leng Ye decided to go to the American area, even if he could get some clues.

Just when Leng Ye was about to step on the teleportation array, his pager rang, and it was Shuang'er's, who connected directly.Immediately, Shuang'er's gentle voice came from over there: "Honey, you finally came out, where are you now?"

"Just came back! My good Shuang'er still hides her concern for me!" Leng Ye praised, feeling flattered.He didn't think there would be such a coincidence in the world, it could be seen that Shuang'er kept calling him.

"That's right! Husband, what are you going to do now? Do you need my help?" Shuang'er asked.It can also be seen from her words that she is also quite boring at the moment.

Leng Ye naturally understood what Shuang'er meant, and hurriedly laughed: "My dear Shuang'er, I don't need your help..." At this point, Leng Ye heard Shuang'er's disappointed "Oh".Then, he said: "However, I just want to take it abroad for fun, I wonder if you would like it?"

"Willing! Willing!" Shuang'er happily said, then asked Leng Ye's location, and rushed over.

After a while, Shuang'er came to Leng Ye's side and threw herself into Leng Ye's arms.Leng Ye has been away for no more than three days, he remembered that the last time he parted with Shuang'er was with me, his heart suddenly felt sour, and he hugged Shuang'er tightly in his arms.

"Honey, is what you said just now true?" Shuang'er lay in Leng Ye's arms and asked softly.

"Well~ah~ Of course, I wanted to take my good Shuang'er to New York to play. I never thought that your pager would ring before I arrived..." Leng Ye said vaguely.Because he was lying, his tone was not firm, and he was obviously guilty.

"Hmph! Do you want to go by yourself? I'm right! Hehe! Husband, I know, you are thinking about our sisters, and you are afraid that we will be hurt. Shuang'er will not blame you." Shuang'er said He leaned his head tighter again, for fear that he would run away.

(End of this chapter)

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