Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1372 SSS-level task of the Vatican

Chapter 1372 SSS-level task of the Vatican (25)
Leng Ye was taken into consideration by Shuang'er's words, and she was serious, but hugged Shuang'er tightly, quietly watching the people coming and going in the teleportation formation, and the envious eyes cast by those people.Those people were also very knowledgeable, they just smiled at Leng Ye as a greeting.

At this moment, Leng Ye suddenly felt someone slap on the back, and his heart was shocked. When he looked back, he found that it was the naughty princess.Perhaps because of her impression of her, Leng Ye couldn't help taking a look at her chest, but to Leng Ye's disappointment, it was still flat and not much raised than before.

Leng Ye was obviously displeased that the naughty princess interrupted his and Shuang'er's cleaning.He gently stroked Shuang'er's smooth black hair, and asked softly, "Miss Naughty, what do you want me for?"

"Master Leng... Chief, you promised me one thing, you won't forget it, right?" the mischievous princess blurted out.

"What did I promise you?" Leng Ye frowned, he really couldn't remember.

"Master, you have a lot of things to do every day, so it doesn't matter if you don't remember, I just remind you. You once promised me that after I pass level [-], you will take me to play Little Japan. You won't break your promise!" Mischievous Princess Said.

Leng Ye suddenly remembered that he had said something similar, and thought: "I just said it casually at the time. I was also the leader of a gang, so what I said will naturally count. Once the Sword Demon Empire is established, it will be I'm going to fight Japan. But this little girl is my nemesis, I will be unlucky if I meet her, but I can't take her there. So what should I do?" I glanced at the expectant eyes of the naughty princess , Leng Ye thought again: "Let's take her to the American area first, so that even if the little girl asks about it in the future, I can still have something to say."

"No! I'm only taking Shuang'er there this time, and I'm going to live in the 'two-person world'. Wouldn't it be asking for trouble if I took her there?" Just when Leng Ye was wondering how to reply to the naughty princess, he suddenly found that the girl in his arms Shuang'er broke free.I just heard her say: "My husband, it's not fun to go to Japan to fight and kill, so I don't think you should take the naughty sister with you." Then she looked at the naughty princess and said, "Naughty sister, I don't think you should go It’s time to fight Japan, you go to the American area with us to play!”

"Sister Shuang'er, I listen to you!" The naughty princess was afraid that Leng Ye would not agree, so she said it first.

Leng Ye was very pleased with Shuang'er's understanding, and nodded to the naughty princess.Then he said to Shuang'er: "In that case, then call your sister Lan and the others to go together!"

As soon as Leng Ye's voice fell, Shuang'er said: "Except for sister Xue'er who is busy with gang affairs, sister Lan and other sisters are all on missions."

"I really don't know what kind of bad luck this trip will have." Leng Ye thought to himself, and set foot on the teleportation array leading to the border with the two daughters.

(End of this chapter)

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