Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1373 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1373 SSS-level missions in the United States (1) ([-])
"Brother, has the Vatican mission been completed?" Maya asked enthusiastically as soon as she saw Leng Ye.Although she was talking to Leng Ye, her eyes could not help but glance at the second daughter behind Leng Ye.That's why the smile on her face seemed somewhat unnatural.

"Fortunately, my sister sent me to the hidden map. I don't know how to thank my sister!" Leng Ye's voice was extremely sincere.He knew that without Maya's help, it would be impossible for him to go to the Vatican.Looking at Maya's eyes, he also knew Maya's feelings for him. Several times he wished that Maya was a real person instead of an NPC, so that he could cuddle with Maya openly without having that special concern.

"You don't have to thank me, brother. In fact, it's all about your efforts. It's good that the Vatican is a hidden map, but if it's not for your brother, you can reach level [-] to [-], and even if your sister wants to pass you there, there is absolutely no way." Maya said .

"You can go to the Vatican only after reaching level [-]?" Leng Ye was startled and asked.

"That's right! Here, there are many countries that have not participated in the game, so the maps of these countries will become hidden maps. You need someone to reach level [-] to level [-] to reach them, and then they will be open to the public..." Maya said. She kept talking about many things that an NPC should not talk about, which shows her liking for Leng Ye.

Leng Ye could naturally feel Maya's deep meaning, and was grateful, and gave Maya some gorgeous jewelry, which allowed Maya to send the three of them to New York in the United States.

With a flash in front of his eyes, Leng Ye appeared at a seaside.If Maya's teleportation technology can't make mistakes, then this place should be New York, and the sea in front of him is undoubtedly the offshore east coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

"Honey, look there! It's so beautiful!" Shuang'er shouted suddenly.

Leng Ye looked in the direction of Shuang'er's finger, and he saw two giant bunkers soaring into the sky.Far
Leng Ye was surprised to find that Shuang'er and the naughty princess were also very interested in this thing, staring at the two bunkers without moving their eyes.

"New York is one of the most prosperous cities in the world, but why is it so quiet here?" Although Leng Ye used the excuse of traveling, but he was always thinking about the mission in his heart. He looked around and found that there was no one around. Can not help but depressed.

"Maybe it's because there are no monsters here!" Leng Ye thought naturally, and suddenly, he realized something was wrong, thinking: "If there are no monsters here, then it is just right for building a city. Could it be that those two bunkers ..."

Thinking of this, Leng Ye couldn't help looking at the two giant bunkers again, thinking: "These two bunkers could not be the territory of some gang in the United States! But why is there no introduction in the information that the young master gave me?" He thought again: "It must be. It may be newly built. Otherwise, how could this place be so quiet."

(End of this chapter)

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