Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1379 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1379 SSS-level missions in the United States (7) ([-])
"Well! Anyway, they are all in the American area. If the two monsters of Yin and Yang can really find Tashisi, they will definitely be able to call for them." Shuang'er said.

Leng Ye was about to leave, but suddenly found that the naughty princess was gone, and asked: "Shuang'er, have you seen the naughty girl? It's better for a little girl not to cause trouble here!"

"Aha~Brother Leng, I thought you forgot about me! Even if you still have a conscience, I will give you lucky blessings now, and guarantee that you will be able to complete the SSS-level mission immediately!" cast a spell...

The three of them came to the main city of California, wandered around for a long time, but did not find a single black figure, no matter the player or the NPC.On the other side of New York, there was no response from Yin and Yang.At that moment, Leng Ye brought the two daughters to a hotel in the main city, asked for a private room, and began to reflect while resting.

"General Xiaomi is more anxious to find Zhaxisi than I am, so he probably won't lie to me. The map of New York is very simple. Apart from a main city and two magic castles, there are some wastelands, barren wastelands, and there is no one to blame. But the map of California is much more complicated, besides the main city, there are mountains, canyons, deserts, forests, it is really not easy to find Zhaxisi's whereabouts." Leng Ye sighed for a long time.

"Mountains, canyons, deserts, forests, so many places. Brother Leng, where do you think Zhaxisi is most likely to hide?" The naughty princess asked this sentence suddenly.

"That's right! If I just search aimlessly like this, I'm afraid it won't work in two or three months. If I can complete the task ahead of schedule, I can save a death warrant, which may be of great use in the future." Leng Ye secretly thought.Since the possibility of Zhaxisi being in New York was basically ruled out, he was a little greedy at the moment.

"Honey, where do you think Zhaxisi is most likely to be?" Shuang'er asked.

"Zashisi should have been trafficked here as a slave, so we need to see which places are suitable for slaves to stay in." Leng Ye said casually.

"Of course slaves have to do hard work, so is there any need to ask?" the naughty princess interjected.

"Slaves can also be divided into several types. Some are hard workers, some are servants, and some are slaves. As the princess of Dodoma City, Tashisi should belong to a very beautiful black girl. In my opinion, she is not To be a servant is to be a prostitute, and you should not do hard work." Leng Ye analyzed them one by one.As soon as he finished speaking, he found that Shuang'er was looking at him with weird eyes, and he couldn't help touching his face, but he didn't find anything like dust or acne.

"Honey, you open your mouth like a dick, and shut your mouth like a dick. Can you stop being so blunt, there are minors here!" Shuang'er said, staring at Leng Ye.After speaking, he glanced at the naughty princess again.

Unexpectedly, the naughty princess said, "Sister Shuang'er, I'm no longer a minor. Brother Leng's analysis is quite right, Tashisi is a princess, she looks so beautiful, no one will be willing to let her do hard work. If you don't do hard work, you're probably a prostitute, and if you meet someone who knows the goods, you might even marry her as your concubine..."

(End of this chapter)

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