Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1380 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1380 SSS-level missions in the United States (8) ([-])
After hearing the explanation of the naughty princess, Leng Ye wanted to laugh, but Shuang'er looked even more helpless, glaring at the naughty princess fiercely, and stopped talking.

"If that's the case, then Tashisi is possible everywhere!" Shuang'er said.

"Sister Shuang'er, are deserts and forests also possible?" The naughty princess asked, not understanding what Shuang'er said.

"Of course! There may be a mountain god on the mountain, there may be a valley owner in the valley, there may be a desert king in the desert, and there may be a forest king in the forest. These gods and kings must have their own palaces, villas and the like. , there will be servants, princesses and the like..." Shuang'er said.


Shuang'er and the naughty princess just guessed randomly, and then, there was no sign of Leng Ye in the private room.

As soon as Leng Ye came out of the private room, he summoned Xiao Bai, put on the invisibility ring, and flew straight out of the city.

Not far from the south gate, Leng Ye saw a long mountain range.This mountain range also has the same name as in reality: Inner Ring Mountain.The highest point in the Sierra Nevada is Mount Whitney, which has a higher altitude.

Leng Ye commanded Xiao Bai, and he arrived at the top of Mount Whitney in a short while.To Leng Ye's great joy, he saw a church at the top of Mount Whitney.This church is very small, not only incomparable with the cathedral in the Vatican, but also far inferior to the one in Madagascar.Perhaps because of the indissoluble bond between the SSS mission and the church, when Leng Ye saw this church, he felt very friendly, and immediately let Xiao Bai down.

As soon as he landed on the top of the mountain, Leng Ye felt the biting cold air, and hurriedly took out the cold clothes from the ring of space.However, this shabby dress did not make the cold night warmer.In desperation, Leng Ye had no choice but to pull out the lazy sword, and at the same time summoned Little Sun, Snow White, Huo Qilin and Huo Fenghuang all at once.

As soon as the little sun's light shone on Leng Ye's body, his whole body became warm immediately, feeling extremely comfortable.

"Maybe there will be danger inside, I have to go in quickly while the lazy sword is out of its sheath!" Without any delay, Leng Ye saw the door of the church was open and went straight in.

After passing through a corridor, Leng Ye heard the sound of beating and killing in front.He let the several summoned creatures follow him far away, while he sat on Xiaobai's back and swaggered forward. Anyway, with the invisibility ring on his body, he was not afraid of others watching.

The sound of fighting, the sound of weapons clashing and the screams of monsters gradually increased.Turning a corner, Leng Ye saw more than a dozen figures, he counted, among them were nine white-skinned Western devils, five men and four women, and the other five were all yellow-skinned girls.From the fighting and shouting, Leng Ye heard that these girls were all speaking Chinese. To Leng Ye's surprise, those foreign devils also spoke Chinese. frivolous meaning.

"You actually bullied my compatriots! Damn it!" Impulse overcame reason, Leng Ye held the lazy sword in his hand, and slapped the tiger's ass, just like the nearest foreign devil holding a giant axe.

(End of this chapter)

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