Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1381 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1381 SSS-level missions in the United States (9) ([-])
Although the equipment on the foreign devil looked very gorgeous, he couldn't withstand Leng Ye's sword, and he turned into a burst of white light and floated away without even making a scream.The foreign devil's death was really sudden and inexplicable, especially the girl holding the shield who was fighting the giant ax warrior. The broad sword didn't make any contact with the opponent.

Without the slightest hesitation, Leng Ye took advantage of the situation and stabbed the lazy sword towards the throat of the sword warrior who was closest to him. It was another clean and sharp sword, and it was not messy, and it was still an instant kill.And just like that, it was the turn of the girl who wholeheartedly confronted this sword fighter to be amazed.

"Those two people will definitely notify their companions when they go back, so I must hurry up." Leng Ye understood this, and immediately came to the four blond girls who were watching, and directly used a swinging sword.With the use of the lazy sword, Leng Ye heard the voice of the system prompting him to kill again, and there were four prompts in a row.He let out a long sigh. After all, he killed four girls this time, and they were four girls who had no grievances against him.However, he had to do it again.That's because, from the equipment on these four girls, he could tell that they were stronger than the five men on the field.If the four girls reacted, it would be fine if they had the invisibility ring, but the five female compatriots on the field would inevitably be in danger.

In the blink of an eye, there were only three of the nine foreign devils on the field.Without hesitation, Leng Ye quickly used a move of God of War's Wrath, and stabbed a man dressed as a knight, killing him with the sword.Leng Ye realized that he still had a high opinion of the other party, because the knight's blood volume did not exceed [-] in total.

I don't know whether the two people on the field noticed the strangeness in front of them or heard the call from their companions. They pushed back a few meters almost at the same time, temporarily dodging the attacks of the five girls.However, not everyone can return to the city in a combat state.Soon, they discovered in horror that the scrolls in their hands were not usable at all, and then they had to fight five people with two people, and gradually lost the wind.

Seeing that the girls had an overwhelming advantage, Leng Ye was not in a hurry to make a move, but quietly watched the fight between the five girls and the two foreign devils.

Suddenly, each of the five girls on the field had a dragon tendon whip more than two meters long in their hands. Almost at the same time, the five of them raised their whips at the same time.Five whips met in the air, making a violent explosion.From where the whips met, an umbrella-shaped light surface immediately covered the two foreign devils in the middle.Then, I saw the blood volume on the foreign devil's body dwindle at a rate of [-] per second, turning into white light and disappearing one after another within a short while.

"Good! Good!" Surprised by Leng Ye, he couldn't help applauding for these girls.

Suddenly, Leng Ye found that the five girls in front of him were all looking at him. At that moment, he immediately realized that the 1 minute time for the invisibility ring was up.

(End of this chapter)

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