Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1382 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1382 SSS-level missions in the United States (10) ([-])
With the development of the game today, more than half of the players are above level [-]. It is not uncommon to cross borders, so Leng Ye has nothing to hide, just smiled at the five girls opposite.What makes Leng Ye strange is that the eyes of these girls looking at him are so strange and special, and they are all staring at him intently, but what he can be sure of is that it is definitely not a fierce look, let alone an enemy's look. , with kindness and admiration in it.

Soon, the girl dressed in beige military uniform in the middle woke up first, put away the long whip in her hand, walked two steps towards Leng Ye with a smile, and asked, "You are the leader of Leng Ye, right?" The girl The words were a little direct and a little rash. If the other party was not, she would definitely blush. However, what she asked was quite direct, and she said it very simply.

Leng Ye saw that this girl was in her early 20s, with delicate features, long hair, shawl, slender body, and exquisite curves, especially the pair of twin peaks protruding from the underwear in front of her, which surpassed the four foreign girls before.Such a girl is enough to fascinate any normal man in terms of figure and appearance, so it's no wonder that the gang of foreign devils also have evil intentions.

Leng Ye was somewhat immune to beauties. After a moment of surprise, he also smiled and said, "I am Leng Ye! You..."

At this time, the other four girls also came to their senses and rushed over directly, surrounding Leng Ye tightly.It would be fine if it was just surrounding them, and two of them hugged Leng Ye's arms from left to right.Feeling the friction between the arm and the girl, Leng Ye felt itchy in his heart.For a moment, he also forgot to break free.

"The five of us are students of Harvard University, classmates. My name is JOKER, and the four of them are the Q of Spades, the Q of Hearts, the Q of Clubs, and the Q of Diamonds..." The girls in beige military uniforms were cold. night presentation.

"Harvard University! If these girls are not very rich, they are determined to be smart. Judging from their names, they should be very fond of gambling." Leng Ye secretly confirmed this, and turned to the girls with a smile: "You guys Are they all Chinese? Where are they from?"

"Brother Leng, Chinese blood is flowing in our bodies. We pay attention to current affairs in China every day, but we live in Chinatown in California." JOKER hurriedly replied.Her name for Leng Ye also changed quickly.

Leng Ye was startled, and thought: "So it's from Chinatown, it's okay!" Then he asked: "How do you fight with do they bully you?" Leng Ye originally wanted to say how you fought with them, but it was very difficult He soon realized that he would not be able to highlight his importance in this battle, so he changed his words.

"Brother Leng, we don't know them either. We came here to do a mission. Unexpectedly, as soon as we got here, those people came from behind and threatened to do the mission with us. Of course we refused, then Those coquettish foxes ordered those men to fight us. Also, the guy with the ax before insulted Miss JOKER with words, it's extremely hateful..." Queen of Spades hurriedly replied.

(End of this chapter)

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