Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1383 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1383 SSS-level missions in the United States (11) ([-])
"Brother Leng, that's right! We opened the door of this church, and the mission is ours. Why should they snatch it? I hate it!" Heart Q also echoed, lest Leng Ye would not believe it.

"I don't know if Zhaxisi will hide in it? But if I stay, I will inevitably be suspected of stealing their tasks. Seeing that they have a good impression of me, it should be okay!" Thinking like this, Leng Ye said to the girls Said: "Then you continue to do the task! I won't bother you." Then he turned and left.

"Brother Leng...Brother Leng...Brother Leng!" JOKER shouted loudly.

Leng Ye turned around slowly, looked at Joker's slightly red face, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Brother Leng, if it weren't for you, our sisters would have been killed by them just now. They will definitely come! you stay and accompany us to do the mission." JOKER looked at it with extremely expectant eyes In the cold night, he said in a low voice.

Leng Ye's heart was already jubilant, his face was calm, he sighed, reluctantly agreed, and said: "Okay!"

As soon as they heard that Leng Ye was willing to stay, the girls immediately jumped up and down, and even Joker, who seemed a little more stable and had no intimate contact with Leng Ye, had an unconcealable smile on his face.If they think of Leng Ye, they also have ghosts in their hearts, and when they have their own plans, I don't know if they can't laugh so sweetly.

"What task are you going to do?" Leng Ye couldn't help asking.As soon as he finished speaking, he received a prompt from the system: The player JOKER has requested to share the task with you, do you accept it?

Leng Ye directly chose to accept, and then opened the task's properties to take a look.What surprised Leng Ye was that this task was also to find someone.The difference from looking for Zhaxisi is that this task actually needs to find five people, and these five people are all in the church in front of you. What's more, this task is only an S-level one, and the difficulty is relatively small .

"I don't know if Zhaxisi is in there...don't worry about it, let's look for it." After confirming this, Leng Ye followed the girls into the depths of the church.

"With Big Brother Leng here, our mission can be completed [-]%!"

"No! With Big Brother Leng here, our mission can be overfulfilled!"

"When Brother Leng comes, will this mission fail?"

"You bitch, crow's mouth, see if I don't hit you..."


The girls talked and laughed as they walked, sometimes stopping and circling Leng Ye twice, embracing Leng Ye's arm.Leng Ye couldn't agree with these acts of being so indistinguishable from men and women when they first met him, but when he thought that these girls all grew up in the United States, he didn't think there was anything wrong.

A group of six people soon stopped at a place with five doors. JOKER said: "Brother Leng, there will be five levels in this mission, each with five doors, only one of which can lead to the back, and there are thousands of terrifying levels in the remaining four doors." Monsters. If we can’t go the right way and go the wrong way, we need to kill all the monsters inside, then exit and re-enter.”

(End of this chapter)

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