Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1384 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1384 SSS-level missions in the United States (12) ([-])
"JOKER, which level is this?" Leng Ye asked.

"Brother Leng, this is the second checkpoint! The correct position of the previous checkpoint is the leftmost door, but... but we are the one who left for the last time..." JOKER's voice became lower and lower.Obviously, what she said meant that they had gone wrong four times in a row, and the other time a fool would have gone.This is extremely inconsistent with their status as top students at Harvard University, and it is even a bit embarrassing.

"It seems that their luck is really not ordinary!" Leng Ye secretly sighed, looked up at the five doors in front of him, and found that they were exactly the same, there was no difference at all, so there was no clue to find out which one to go .So he said to the five girls, "Which way do you think we should go?"

"Go this way!" The five girls said in unison.However, even though they said the words at a glance, their hands pointed to the five gates in front of them.

By doing this, the girls undoubtedly handed over the decision-making power to Leng Ye, which made it hard for Leng Ye.However, if Leng Ye chooses any one of them, it will give people a feeling of being in love with the house, because the five girls in front of him are all top-notch beauties.

"These ghosts! It's good to guess right, but it's really embarrassing to guess wrong. It's hard to hurt me." He had an idea, and wanted to say: "That's fine, you five go in and see Look, just kill all the monsters inside and then come out." However, he didn't say anything, otherwise, he would become a scumbag.

"It's not terrible to make a mistake. I'm a man, so I should be brave enough to bear my mistakes." Thinking of this, Leng Ye said to the five girls: "Since the first checkpoint is the leftmost door, let's take a look at the leftmost door." ?”

Whether it was the Queen of Hearts who chose the leftmost path or the women who chose other paths, when they heard Leng Ye's decision, they all immediately agreed.It seems that they are giving Leng Ye a chance to show off. As for whether Leng Ye will make a fool of himself, it depends on his luck just like choosing the door.

Suddenly, JOKER has a miniature but glowing fluorescent statue of the Statue of Liberty in his hand.She leaned the sculpture in her hand to the leftmost door, and the door opened.

Leng Ye wanted to take advantage of the moment the door opened to see everything inside, but unexpectedly, the inside of the door was like a helicopter, except for a small empty house that could only accommodate seven or eight people.

"Only ten seconds, brother Leng, hurry up!" Joker hurriedly greeted Leng Ye.

Leng Ye made a stride, and rushed in. Although the speed of rushing in was very fast, he stopped suddenly at the moment of intimate contact with the elevator wall, and stood firmly.This surprised JOKER, whose eyes had been lingering on Leng Ye, she even suspected in her heart that the man in front of her was really too mysterious, and could make inertia lose its effect on him.

(End of this chapter)

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