Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1388 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1388 SSS-level missions in the United States (16) ([-])
"No! I'm just guessing. I think you are such a good man like Brother Leng, you must be reluctant to put Fang Fang on the cold ground. Isn't it?" Joker asked back.

"Hey~~" Leng Ye just smiled wryly.

Time flies, and two hours have passed in a flash.At this moment, Joker suddenly said: "Brother Leng, you... you put Fang Fang down! If I remember correctly, this door is about to open."


"Yah, there's a knife on Sezi's head, it looks like I'm going to get into trouble. It doesn't matter if my Leng Ye's reputation is ruined, but she's a girl after all! What should I do?" Just as the elevator door was about to open , Leng Ye hurriedly turned around, facing the wall, at the same time, buried the girl's head deeply in his arms, even if he was not afraid of being seen by people, he was also afraid of being seen by monsters.After all, this woman had a relationship with him before, so Leng Ye naturally couldn't bear to let her be desecrated by the monster's eyes.

Just when Leng Ye was annoyed, he suddenly heard the Joker behind him say: "Hey~~ Where are Brother Leng and Fang Fang?" This is a chance to bring her to justice, otherwise she might spread the word about what happened today.” From this point of view, Leng Ye’s thoughts also have an outdated side.

In ancient times, for women, chastity was more important than anything else, so many women chose to commit suicide and become a monk after being insulted, and occasionally a few chose to swallow their anger.The reason why Leng Ye has such an idea is that he unconsciously regards the five girls in front of him as chaste girls in ancient times, and after they are all executed, they will not expose each other.Little did he know that in capitalist America, women's chastity had been seriously depreciated.Chaste martyrs are almost extinct, and even a few occasionally choose to take up so-called legal weapons to defend after being defiled, for fear that others will not know their "charm".

"Yes! I haven't seen Brother Leng and Fang Fang either."

"I didn't see it either."


Several women also agreed one after another.

Leng Ye looked back and found that they were all looking this way one by one, still thinking that they were deliberately making fun of Fang Fang.After a while, JOKER and the Q of Spades came over and fumbled in the corner.

"Ah~~how could this happen?" Leng Ye exclaimed, he was completely shocked.I don't know if it's the second daughter's hands that are empty, or Leng Ye and Fang Fang's bodies are empty, when the second daughter's hands passed over his and Fang Fang's bodies, there was no collision, contact, and straight sweep.

"The two of them won't go back to the city, will they?" Q of Spades said in surprise.

"How could it be! It's not that you don't know that you can't use the city return scroll here." Joker retorted hastily.

"Elder Sister, Second Sister, come quickly, we can't hold back anymore!" someone exclaimed outside the elevator.

"Here we come!" The two girls shouted in unison.The enemy is in front of him, he ignores Leng Ye and Fang Q, draws out his long whip, turns around and walks out the door.

(End of this chapter)

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