Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1389 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1389 SSS-level missions in the United States (17) ([-])
Leng Ye found that the outside of the elevator was very bright.Wherever he looked, he saw four charming figures circling with the lizard-like thing.There were a lot of lizards, and even though the four girls cooperated tacitly, they were still retreating steadily under the attack of the lizards.

At this time, Fang Q in Leng Ye's arms also raised her head. Through Leng Ye's right shoulder, she obviously also noticed the difficulty of her companion, and wanted to get off Leng Ye's body.With this movement, she couldn't help wailing again, blushing, and said softly to Leng Ye: "Brother Leng, the four sisters can't hold it anymore! I want to go... If I don't go, I can't use Wuxiangshen whip……"

Hearing Fang Fang Q's words, Leng Ye thought to himself: "I never thought that such a bold woman would still care about her companions." At that moment, he immediately forgot all about Fang Q's hooking himself regardless of his companion's feelings, and couldn't help but Another three points of admiration for the girl.

As soon as the Divine Appreciation Technique came out, Leng Ye saw the attributes of the lizard.

Most of them are monsters of level [-]-[-], and there are also a few lower-level fairy beasts mixed in, so Leng Ye dismisses them.

"How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer!" Leng Ye kissed Fang Q's forehead lightly, and then shouted loudly: "Kill! Kill! Kill!" When he shouted these three kills, he had already used his thoughts and Fire Phoenix, Fire Qilin and Little Sun communicated.

The reason why Leng Ye asked Little Sun to join the battle was because when he used the Divine Appreciation Technique, he saw that the lizards of the lower-level fairy beasts led by him turned out to be of ice attribute.He was eager to verify whether the little sun, which didn't have any attacks, could hide some kind of lethality against ice monsters.

As soon as the three pets took the order, they killed the lizard in the outer hole of the elevator with lightning speed.

The little sun was the fastest, almost teleporting, and flew past, leaving behind a bright and glowing white shadow. The next moment, it appeared above an ice lizard.Suddenly, its body spun rapidly, and within a second, it slammed fiercely at the ice lizard at a fast speed while spinning.The rapidly rotating little sun was like the drill bit of an electric drill, piercing through the ice lizard's back and abdomen, and reappeared in midair in the blink of an eye.

Look again, a hole the size of a plate appeared on the back of the ice lizard on the ground, leading from the chest to the back. After a couple of twitches, it turned into a burst of white light and disappeared.The little sun jumped up and down in mid-air, as if dancing, and as if asking for credit from the cold night, and then flew towards the other one next to it.

"The sun is the embodiment of mercy. Even if it was the real sun stone before, killing water monsters in seconds was just to put them all inside the real sun stone. Why has it become so bloody now?" Seeing the performance of the little sun, Leng Ye couldn't help Some palpitations.But he was muttering in his heart: "In the future national battlefield, if Little Sun is allowed to fight in battle formations and use such a cruel move, it will definitely weaken the enemy's morale by three points."

"Could it be that the little sun has learned some new skills?" Thinking of this, Leng Ye hurriedly opened the attributes of the little sun. To his surprise, there was no new attribute added to the little sun. In other words, this so-called "electric drill" The skills are nothing more than what it uses casually.At the moment, Leng Ye fell in love with Little Sun again.

(End of this chapter)

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