Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1390 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1390 SSS-level missions in the United States (18) ([-])
The fire phoenix and fire unicorn are super divine beasts and the supreme fire element, so the power of the phoenix flames and unicorn flames they emit cannot be underestimated.They are all instant kills for the lizards here without exception.

In addition to the fire phoenix's ability to emit flames in the air, when it flaps its wings in the air, countless feathers will fall off, and the fallen feathers will immediately turn into countless huge meteorites, like stars falling, and ruthlessly hit the lizard. As a result of the "meteorite", the lizard died immediately.It is said that a phoenix that loses its hair is inferior to a chicken, but this fire phoenix seems to lose its feathers forever, and it does not show any sequelae caused by hair loss.

Although the Fire Qilin can also fly, it is the supreme beast after all.It didn't attack the lizards on the ground with its superiority in the air like the fire phoenix, and simply closed its mouth. It just ran wildly from front to back, and disappeared into the deep cave in the blink of an eye.Look again, where the unicorn passed by, the densely packed lizards were all ignited with raging flames, emitting thick smoke, and within a moment, with the true white light floating, the group died.

Seeing this, not only the girls were shocked, but even Leng Ye was stunned.

"I didn't let them out before, why are they so tough today, as if they drank the essence of cows!" Leng Ye sighed secretly, and his heart was already full of joy.If every pet, every mount, and every summoned beast is like the performance of the three of them today, Leng Ye can really sit back and relax.

Actually, it's a bit irresponsible for Leng Ye to think like this.

Since the Lazy Sword has been upgraded to a magic weapon, the time for it to be unsheathed is very short. Therefore, the chances of the Lazy Sword's summons being summoned are quite small.They come out a few times occasionally, and they are all facing single or sparse enemies, so that they can't show their powerful group attack at all, and the basic attack of Little Sun is [-], so Leng Ye will not let it What to do with lethal "tasks".

Leng Ye deeply knows that although the lazy sword can be unsheathed for [-] [-] minutes a day, this can only be achieved every six hours.Leng Ye also knew that even if he could easily control the lazy sword within these [-] minutes, he still couldn't exert the power of the lazy sword, not even half of the power of the lazy sword to instantly kill gods and demons.Even Chang Baicao couldn't explain this point.Therefore, during this period, Leng Ye even regretted upgrading the Lazy Sword to a magic weapon, otherwise, he could easily summon those summoned objects that would have grown up in the past. Now, where did he even call the ice silkworm and other summoned objects? I don't know at all.

Of course, taking ten thousand steps back, it doesn't matter even if he can't display the true power of the lazy sword.Leng Ye also hopes that he can pull out the lazy sword at any time every day. He also believes that the four super beast-level summons of the lazy sword can bring him a good attack. It was forcibly taken back, but it would be inconvenient to carry these four behemoths around!However, even this little wish could not be fulfilled by Leng Ye.He really wanted to throw a knife and kill someone.

At this moment, Leng Ye noticed that the women not far away started talking:
(End of this chapter)

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