Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1392 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1392 SSS-level missions in the United States (20) ([-])
"Ghost! Ghost..." Fang Q buried her head deeply in Leng Ye's shoulder, repeating the word repeatedly, and at the same time, her body was trembling involuntarily.

"Silly girl, where is the ghost!" Leng Ye patted Fang Q's back while comforting him carefully.However, when Leng Ye saw Joker and others curled up in the corner of the elevator, he stopped insisting.

Leng Ye's eyes were like a torch, and with a quick sweep, he took a closer look inside and outside the entire elevator.What puzzled him was that, apart from the three summoned monsters outside who were somewhat bloodstained from killing the lizard, there were no other monsters, human figures, and so-called ghosts.

"There is no ghost!" Leng Ye said confidently.

Fang Q raised her head cautiously upon hearing this, but then she screamed again.

"Brother Leng is here! Girl, don't be afraid, don't be afraid..." Leng Ye kept comforting and caring, finally reassuring Fang Q a little.She only heard her say: "Brother Leng, don't you think that is a ghost?" Fang Q said and pointed to the front not far away.

Leng Ye looked in the direction of Fang Q's finger, and found that what she was pointing at were the three pets that had successfully completed the task.All of a sudden, Leng Ye realized that the girl had actually seen the summoned object, and was very surprised at the moment, thinking: "So they were frightened by these three summoned objects that suddenly appeared." It was the matter of the summoned thing that I said, which brought the girls back to life.

"Brother Leng, why do you have such a ghost-shaped summoner!" JOKER got up from the ground and said, still pointing at the three summoners.

Leng Ye was startled, and looked at the three summoned creatures again, and suddenly, his mouth opened wide.

"Ghost, it's really a ghost!" This time it was Leng Ye's turn to say this.However, his tone of voice is neither the same as that of the square Q in his arms, nor the same as the Joker and other women who are still huddled in the corner of the elevator.What is quite different from the five girls is that there is a deep smile in his voice, giving people a look of fearlessness and disapproval.

Leng Ye is an atheist, he naturally does not believe in ghosts and legends, especially in games, he is not afraid of ghosts and gods.The ghost Leng Ye mentioned is not a real ghost, not even in the game.What he saw was actually a temporary "combination" formed by the little sun, the fire phoenix and the fire unicorn.

After the lizard was wiped out, the cave outside the elevator became darker.Especially when looking out from a relatively bright elevator, the vision will be more blurred, so that the scenery seen will not be detailed, and even illusions will occur, even the cold night with bright eyes is no exception.

At this moment, the fire unicorn is standing on the ground of the cave, the whole little sun is hanging in front of the fire unicorn, the height is at the same level as the eyes and nose of the fire unicorn, and the fire phoenix is ​​crawling on the back of the fire unicorn with its head The whole body is tightly attached to the body of the fire unicorn, and the pair of wings are still flapping up and down.

(End of this chapter)

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