Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1393 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1393 SSS-level missions in the United States (21) ([-])
If you look into the cave from the front of Huo Qilin or from the elevator, due to the dim light, you will see a monster with four feet on the ground, swinging hands and scratching, with a big mouth, no eyes and no nose.Such a monstrosity is so eerie that most people will no doubt associate it with a ghost.As everyone knows, such a monster is indeed composed of the mouth and body of a unicorn, the wings of a fire phoenix and a small sun.This "combination" of the three summoned objects is really a bit like a ghost, which makes people who don't know it shudder.

In fact, if it is in broad daylight, no matter how the three summoning objects are combined, it will never make people have such reverie. The reason is that the light is too weak.The fire phoenix and the fire unicorn are the supreme beings of the fire element. Even in normal times, the whole body will be glowing with fiery red flames. With them, there may be no "darkness" in sight.The light of the small sun is even stronger, not to mention far better than the flame light of the fire phoenix and fire unicorn, even the sun in Lingyunli at noon is not as dazzling as it.It was also based on this that Leng Ye became even more confused.

"What made the fire phoenix and fire unicorn's flames disappear, and who covered up the little sun's dazzling light?" This question kept lingering in Leng Ye's mind.After a while, dozens of different conjectures flashed through Leng Ye's mind.In the end, he could only attribute the key to the problem to this cave.

"You three, come here!" Leng Ye called out several times, but found that the three summoned creatures seemed to be deaf or stupid, and they were still in a "fit" ghost state, which made Leng Ye really upset.It's because the "combined ghost" in front of me is composed of three major summoning objects, but this combination faces me, frightening the beautiful woman in my arms who has been flirting with me for a few hours. The big summoner is gone.

"Damn it, you're all going to rebel, aren't you?" Leng Ye stomped his feet, and felt the entire elevator move, and then saw the entire cave in front of him was also filled with dust.

"The cave is about to collapse!" JOKER suddenly exclaimed.Their lives were at stake, and the few of them also left all the existence of the so-called ghosts behind.

Leng Ye knew that unless there was a so-called resonance phenomenon, he would never dare to compliment his kick.At this moment, Leng Ye suddenly felt a burst of blue light coming from him, which hit him in an instant, and then felt a bone-chilling chill.It didn't take long before he felt dizzy, his eyes went dark, and he lost consciousness.

System prompt: The player Leng Ye was killed by the low-level beast Qingguang Six-clawed Lizard King, and He Shibi brought you back to life.

"Yah, with my current strength, although I am still far behind the divine beasts, super divine beasts, and magic beasts, with my high attack, I should be able to kill a low-level divine beast anyway! Why did I die like this? , dizzy!" Leng Ye felt depressed when he was killed by an unseen monster.Of course, he is also very clear that with his strength of the fourth-level heavenly rank, he should be able to surpass any low-level beast in terms of attack alone. However, if only in terms of defense, he may even be able to attack an ordinary fairy beast. Not as good.

(End of this chapter)

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