Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1396 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1396 SSS-level missions in the United States (24) ([-])
Leng Ye landed safely in the blink of an eye. To his surprise, the cave was very short, only 40 meters in front and back. Standing in the middle, he could see almost all the characters and NPCs in the cave, and there was no way to avoid it.In other words, Leng Ye did not find the blue light lizard king.

"Where is the blue light lizard king?" Leng Ye looked around but did not find any figure.Just at this moment, another blue light suddenly hit him from the front.

"How could this happen? How could this happen!" Leng Ye kept asking herself, terrified.

It was dark, and Leng Ye lost consciousness again.

System prompt: Player Leng Ye was killed by the Blue Light Lizard King, and He Shibi brought you back to life.

One said: Do it again and again, not again and again.And Leng Ye had already been killed by the Lizard King three times in less than a quarter of an hour, breaking this definition.

He also said: There are no more than three things.Leng Ye had just been killed by the Blue Light Lizard King. Thinking of this, he knew that he could no longer die.Although he has four pieces of He's Bi, but the number of resurrections is always limited.But the Qingguang Lizard King would instantly kill him without exception, He's Bi alone wouldn't work.

Leng Ye never attributed his fault to women before, although he still doesn't now, but he gradually believes that beauty is a disaster.

At this time, JOKER quietly came to Leng Ye's side, hugged one of Leng Ye's arms, walked beside Leng Ye, and said with a moaning voice: "Brother Leng, are you willing to want me? "

Leng Ye was shocked!

Leng Ye never expected that JOKER, who has always been relatively calm among the five girls, would say this.He glanced sideways at JOKER, and found that she was looking at him affectionately, with absolutely sincere eyes, as if begging Leng Ye to take her down immediately.

"What's wrong with me today? If you can get a woman once you die, it's not a fun thing... Uh~ Playing with people's virtues, how can I forget this." Thinking of this, I immediately turned to JOKER Said: "This is not good!" As soon as the words fell, he saw Joker's face suddenly darkened, and thought: "It would be too abrupt for me to say so. Joker is definitely the most beautiful among the five girls. It's too embarrassing for her to refuse her like this in front of her sisters." So he hastily continued: "That...well, that's not what I meant. I think... what I want to say ..."

"Isn't it suitable here?" JOKER rushed to grab it with a loud voice, which attracted the attention of the other four girls. At this moment, she didn't care that others heard her, and then said: "Brother Leng, I also know this The place is not suitable, and I don't like to confuse myself in this place for the first time..."

Leng Ye has no plot. In his opinion, as long as a certain girl/woman does not cheat during the period with him, it is enough. As for what happened before or in the future, it is beyond his control, and he doesn't care at all. up.As a result of fate, among the girls Leng Ye met, no matter whether they were Chinese or foreign, they were all virgins without exception. This was far beyond his expectations, but it made him very proud.

(End of this chapter)

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