Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1397 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1397 SSS-level missions in the United States (25) ([-])
Leng Ye originally thought that even if they were with her, it was just for fun, and there should be a lot of men they have experienced. Unexpectedly, a "good start" immediately overturned Leng Ye's inference.

"Diamond Q is one of the few girls who is relatively free. He is very active and skilled. It is the first time, so it is not surprising that Joker is the first time." Leng Ye thought, he wanted Joker to say Something, but feel unable to speak.

"It's more casual in the game than in reality. They haven't been in the game yet. What about in reality? Is it the same for the other three girls? Birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. Most of them are. I just don't know them... ..." Thinking of this, Leng Yeqing couldn't help showing a smile.At this moment, Leng Ye desperately wanted to put Joker under him, but considering the immature location, he finally gave up.

"Brother Leng, if you want me, you will have to take me with you in the future. I will be your fair and honest wife, not a secret lover. But my dowry will definitely satisfy you!" JOKER laughed.

It is very difficult for ordinary people to refuse this kind of top-notch beauties, not to mention getting a dowry of great value, which is really a beautiful thing to gain both man and money, and it is hard to wish for it.But Leng Ye was stunned when he heard JOKER's confession, he didn't say it immediately, but he had a thought of refusing in his heart.He already has so many wives. Although he likes each of them [-]% from the bottom of his heart, he also knows very well that if there are more wives, the time for them to share their love will be much less.

This romantic hero who grew up silently can put himself in his wife's shoes, which is indeed admirable.

At this moment, Leng Ye suddenly heard JOKER's whisper again: "Brother Leng, run away quickly, so as not to be killed by monsters again."

Leng Ye was shocked again, subconsciously staring at JOKER, and found that her face was innocent at the moment, thinking: "Could it be that she knew that I had died? Can she see He Shibi's resurrection? Could it be that he also has a piece of it?" Jade pendant (He Shibi)? Could this jade pendant be the dowry she mentioned, right?" Leng Ye suddenly had many questions in his mind, but in his opinion, most of these questions were correct.

At this moment, Leng Ye suddenly felt himself being pushed aside, and when he looked around, a blue light still pierced JOKER's body and hit the back wall of the elevator.

Girls are merciless, monsters are ruthless.

JOKER was pierced by the blue light, and he didn't survive because he had a slightly higher defense than Leng Ye, let alone any miracle happened, and he fell to the ground.

However, after the girl fell to the ground and "died", she did not immediately disappear with a burst of white light, but instead "stand up" at lightning speed.Perhaps because of the death pain, as soon as the girl "stands up", her tender little hands touched her chest, and that position was exactly where the lightning had passed through before.

(End of this chapter)

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