Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1426 SSS-level missions in the United States

Chapter 1426 SSS-level mission of the United States (4) ([-])
"What this little sister taught me is that my sister has been taught." Shuang'er said very sincerely, and suddenly, she shouted: "Could it be...could it be that are the famous Fairy Furong?" Shuang'er had already I saw ornaments with "Fairy Furong" written on them. Although I couldn't completely confirm the identity of the other party, I guessed it pretty well, so she had a good appreciation for Fairy Furong. At this moment, she just pretended not to know. .

"Exactly! We are the five sisters of Fairy Furong. Sister Shuang'er, you shouldn't stay here for long. Since you have seen us, please leave now!" It's so tactful, it's completely friendly.

Shuang'er felt Fairy Furong's kindness, knowing that they would not do anything to her group for a while, she felt a little relieved, knowing that it was time, she just took out the token and handed it to Fairy Furong, Said: "The other purpose of our visit this time is to meet Lord Gu Zhu and discuss matters with him. I would like to ask the five younger sisters to lead the way."

After taking the token from Shuang'er, the headed Fairy Furong took a look at Shuang'er, then at the girls behind Shuang'er, sighed, and said, "With my younger sister's appearance, I can find someone If a good man gets married, why should he be reduced to prostitution!"

Shuang'er was startled when she heard the words, and thought: "Zi Xuanbing took this token from the magic castle. It must be owned by a prostitute. And that prostitute came to serve her. It seems that the owner here must be a lustful person." But those girls should look pretty good, otherwise Zixuanbing won’t let Zixuanbing... Cough, men are all the same, there is no good thing.” At that moment, Shuang’er sighed, and said: “Sister said What's more, we don't want to do this, but every family has scriptures that are hard to recite, and we can't help ourselves!"

Fairy Furong saw Shuang'er's helpless look, but she didn't say anything, she just asked Zixuanbing to wait out of the valley because the owner of the valley was unhappy, and then walked deep into the canyon with Shuang'er and the girls.

Along the way, the green mountains, green waters, and smog filled the place, and the women only felt that this place was like a fairyland on earth. They stopped and went, fascinated, admiring the beautiful scenery on both sides of the road, and giggles came from time to time.

Not long after, Fairy Furong brought the girls to a majestic palace. The Great Fairy went in to report, and Shuang'er and the girls had time to observe this magnificent building.

The whole body of this palace is pink, tens of feet high, like a skyscraper, with the top directly above the clouds. Although the distribution of the floors cannot be seen clearly from the outside, it is not difficult to guess that this is a multi-storey building.There is a huge plaque hanging on the gate of the palace. On the plaque, there are several gold-inlaid characters ~~ Bliss and Drunken Immortal Residence, and there is a line of English boys below, which should also mean the same.From a literal point of view, this is probably a sleeping palace, rather than a palace where the emperor goes to court.A person who can have such a residence is not far from an emperor even if he is not an emperor.The girls knew without thinking that this was the shelter of the valley owner.However, in order to complete the task, each of them also knew that there are tigers in the mountains, and they prefer to go to the mountains of tigers, so they decided to make a breakthrough.

(End of this chapter)

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